Fairness in information access systems

MD Ekstrand, A Das, R Burke… - Foundations and Trends …, 2022 - nowpublishers.com
Recommendation, information retrieval, and other information access systems pose unique
challenges for investigating and applying the fairness and non-discrimination concepts that …

The combinatorial assignment problem: Approximate competitive equilibrium from equal incomes

E Budish - Journal of Political Economy, 2011 - journals.uchicago.edu
This paper proposes a new mechanism for combinatorial assignment—for example,
assigning schedules of courses to students—based on an approximation to competitive …

Marketplaces, markets, and market design

AE Roth - American Economic Review, 2018 - aeaweb.org
Marketplaces are often small parts of large markets, and both markets and marketplaces
come in many varieties. Market design seeks to understand what marketplaces must …

A supply and demand framework for two-sided matching markets

EM Azevedo, JD Leshno - Journal of Political Economy, 2016 - journals.uchicago.edu
This paper develops a price-theoretic framework for matching markets with heterogeneous
preferences. The model departs from the Gale and Shapley model by assuming that a finite …

Strategy-proofness versus efficiency in matching with indifferences: Redesigning the NYC high school match

A Abdulkadiroğlu, PA Pathak, AE Roth - American Economic Review, 2009 - aeaweb.org
The design of the New York City (NYC) high school match involved trade-offs among
efficiency, stability, and strategy-proofness that raise new theoretical questions. We analyze …

Designing random allocation mechanisms: Theory and applications

E Budish, YK Che, F Kojima, P Milgrom - American economic review, 2013 - aeaweb.org
Randomization is commonplace in everyday resource allocation. We generalize the theory
of randomized assignment to accommodate multi-unit allocations and various real-world …

Beyond truth-telling: Preference estimation with centralized school choice and college admissions

G Fack, J Grenet, Y He - American Economic Review, 2019 - aeaweb.org
We propose novel approaches to estimating student preferences with data from matching
mechanisms, especially the Gale-Shapley deferred acceptance. Even if the mechanism is …

Efficient matching under distributional constraints: Theory and applications

Y Kamada, F Kojima - American Economic Review, 2015 - aeaweb.org
Many real matching markets are subject to distributional constraints. These constraints often
take the form of restrictions on the numbers of agents on one side of the market matched to …

EFX: a simpler approach and an (almost) optimal guarantee via rainbow cycle number

H Akrami, N Alon, BR Chaudhury, J Garg… - Operations …, 2024 - pubsonline.informs.org
The existence of envy-freeness up to any good (EFX) allocations is a fundamental open
problem in discrete fair division. The goal is to determine the existence of an allocation of a …

Applications of matching models under preferences

P Biró - 2017 - books.google.com
Matching problems under preferences have been studied widely in mathematics, computer
science and economics, starting with the seminal paper by Gale and Shapley (1962). A …