[图书][B] Army and Society in Ptolemaic Egypt

C Fischer-Bovet - 2014 - books.google.com
This is the only substantial and up-to-date reference work on the Ptolemaic army. Employing
Greek and Egyptian papyri and inscriptions, and building on approaches developed in state …

[图书][B] Einführung in die altägyptische Rechtsgeschichte

SL Lippert - 2008 - books.google.com
Die vorliegende Einführung bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Entwicklung des
altägyptischen Rechts vom Alten Reich bis in das 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Ausgangspunkt der …

[图书][B] Foreign Ethnics in Hellenistic Egypt

CA Láda - 2002 - books.google.com
Under the Ptolemies thousands of Greek-speaking foreigners were resident in Egypt: they
were active in the armed forces, in the administration, in commerce. In official and notarial …

[图书][B] Women in Ancient Egypt: revisiting power, agency, and autonomy

MF Ayad - 2022 - books.google.com
Cutting-edge research by twenty-four international scholars on female power, agency,
health, and literacy in ancient Egypt There has been considerable scholarship in the last fifty …

[图书][B] Waters of the Exodus: Jewish experiences with water in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt

N LaCoste - 2016 - search.proquest.com
This study examines how the fluvial environment shaped the writing of Jewish narratives in
Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt (300 BCE–115 CE). It focuses on four texts that narrate the …

Marital crises or institutional crises? Two Ptolemaic couples under the spotlight

AB Sánchez, V Joliton - Power Couples in Antiquity, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter examines two royal Ptolemaic couples who, according to some classical
sources, were reputed to have experienced serious marital crises. The primary focus is on …

Der libysche Stamm der Bakaler im pharaonischen, persischen und ptolemäischen Ägypten

JK Winnicki - Ancient Society, 2006 - JSTOR
Die Bakaler waren bisher aus P. Harris 1 aus der Zeit Ramses' III. und aus Herodot bekannt.
Ein demotisches Ostrakon der Perserzeit aus Charga nennt jetzt Inaros, den Fürsten von …

L'organisation sociale de l'agriculture dans l'Egypte pharaonique pendant l'Ancien Empire (2650-2150 avant J.-C.)

JCM García - Journal of the Economic and Social History of the …, 2001 - brill.com
The author analyses the social background of agriculture in Old Kingdom Egypt as well as
the interaction of its main constituents: institutions, peasants and the royal taxes. The impact …

Nomes et toparchies en Égypte gréco-romaine: réalités administratives et géographie religieuse d'Éléphantine à Memphis

A Eller - 2022 - torrossa.com
En Égypte ancienne, une géographie «pratique», ainsi que la nomme Serge Sauneron,
coexistait avec une géographie religieuse. Alors que la première était essentielle pour les …

[引用][C] The use of documents in Pharaonic Egypt

C Eyre - 2013 - OUP Oxford