Technical efficiency of smallholder maize production in Zambia: a stochastic meta-frontier approach

JN Ng'ombe - Agrekon, 2017 -
We determine and compare technical efficiency (TE), technology gap ratios (TGRs) and
meta-frontier technical efficiency (MTEs) of maize production between regions using …

Technical efficiency and technological gaps of rice production in Anambra State, Nigeria

CA Obianefo, JN Ng'ombe, A Mzyece, B Masasi… - Agriculture, 2021 -
The traditional approach to modeling productive efficiency assumes that technology is
constant across the sample. However, farms in different regions may face different …

Analysis of technical efficiency in maize production in Guji Zone: stochastic frontier model

AS Belete - Agriculture & Food Security, 2020 - Springer
Abstract Background The Guji Zone in particular and Oromia region in general have a huge
potential for crop production that can even contribute for the country as a whole in the …

Examining the impact of conservation agriculture on environmental efficiency among maize farmers in Zambia

AN Abdulai, A Abdulai - Environment and Development Economics, 2017 -
This paper explores the impact of conservation agriculture (CA) on the environmental
efficiency of maize farmers in Zambia, by comparing nitrogen fertilizer recovery between …

Determinants of food security and technical efficiency among agricultural households in Nigeria

Z Oyetunde-Usman, KO Olagunju - Economies, 2019 -
The challenge of food security in Nigeria hinges on several factors of which poor technical
efficiency is key. Using a stochastic frontier framework, we estimated the technical efficiency …

Analysis of technical efficiency of smallholder tomato producers in Asaita district, Afar National Regional State, Ethiopia

DM Asfaw - PloS one, 2021 -
The tomato had nutritional, economic and health benefits to the societies, however, its
production and productivity were low in developing countries and particularly in Ethiopia …

Seasonal and intra-seasonal rainfall and drought characteristics as indicators of climate change and variability in Southern Africa: a focus on Kabwe and Livingstone …

CC Makondo, DSG Thomas - Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2020 - Springer
This paper addresses two fundamental questions on climate change and variability: to what
extent has climate changed and/or varied over years in two districts of different agro …

The Impact of Data Envelopment Analysis on Effective Management of Inputs: The Case of Farms Located in the Regional Unit of Pieria

A Kouriati, A Tafidou, E Lialia, A Prentzas… - Agronomy, 2023 -
Technical efficiency is considered a useful advisory tool for managers whose main goal is to
maximize profit and minimize costs. Data envelopment analysis is a widely accepted …

Estimating factors affecting technical efficiency in Indian manufacturing sector

AK SINGH, SN ASHRAF, A Ashish - Eurasian Journal of Business and …, 2019 -
Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 2019, 12(24), 65-86 Page 1 Copyright ©, 2019
Ala-Too International University. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics 2019, 12(24) …

Crop diversification improves technical efficiency and reduces income variability in Northern Ghana

A Mzyece, JN Ng'ombe - Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 2021 - Elsevier
Crop diversification has been shown to help mitigate climate change effects for farmers.
While previous research shows that crop diversification may increase or decrease technical …