Homology Representations of Compactified Configurations on Graphs Applied to 𝓜2,n

C Bibby, M Chan, N Gadish, CH Yun - Experimental Mathematics, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
We obtain new calculations of the top weight rational cohomology of the moduli spaces M2,
n, equivalently the rational homology of the tropical moduli spaces Δ 2, n, as a …

Top weight cohomology of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces and handlebodies

L Hainaut, D Petersen - arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.03046, 2023 - arxiv.org
We show that a certain locus inside the moduli space $ M_g $ of hyperbolic surfaces, given
by surfaces with" sufficiently many" short geodesics, is a classifying space of the handlebody …

A Serre spectral sequence for the moduli space of tropical curves

C Bibby, M Chan, N Gadish, CH Yun - arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.01960, 2023 - arxiv.org
We construct, for all $ g\geq 2$ and $ n\geq 0$, a spectral sequence of rational $ S_n $-
representations which computes the $ S_n $-equivariant reduced rational cohomology of …

Configuration spaces on a wedge of spheres and Hochschild-Pirashvili homology

N Gadish, L Hainaut - arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.12494, 2022 - arxiv.org
We study the compactly supported rational cohomology of configuration spaces of points on
wedges of spheres, equipped with natural actions of the symmetric group and the group …

Actions of automorphism groups of free groups on spaces of Jacobi diagrams. II

M Katada - Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, 2024 - cambridge.org
The automorphism group $\operatorname {Aut}(F_n) $ of the free group $ F_n $ acts on a
space $ A_d (n) $ of Jacobi diagrams of degree d on n oriented arcs. We study the …

On analytic contravariant functors on free groups

G Powell - arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.01934, 2021 - arxiv.org
Working over a field $ k $ of characteristic zero, the category of analytic contravariant
functors on the category of finitely-generated free groups is shown to be equivalent to the …

Commutative hairy graphs and representations of

V Turchin, T Willwacher - Journal of Topology, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
We express the hairy graph complexes computing the rational homotopy groups of long
embeddings (modulo immersions) of R m in R n as 'decorated'graph complexes associated …

Cohomology of configuration spaces of surfaces as mapping class group representations

A Stavrou - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2023 - ams.org
We express the rational cohomology of the unordered configuration space of a compact
oriented manifold as a representation of its mapping class group in terms of a weight …

Hopf algebras and invariants of the Johnson cokernel

J Conant, M Kassabov - Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 2016 - msp.org
We show that if H is a cocommutative Hopf algebra, then there is a natural action of A ut (F n)
on H⊗ n which induces an O ut (F n) action on a quotient H⊗ n. In the case when H= T (V) is …

Deformation theory with homotopy algebra structures on tensor products

D Robert-Nicoud - Documenta Mathematica, 2018 - ems.press
In order to solve two problems in deformation theory, we establish natural structures of
homotopy Lie algebras and of homotopy associative algebras on tensor products of …