Distinct characteristics of SST variabilities in the Sulawesi Sea and the northern part of the Maluku Sea during the southeast monsoon
The Sulawesi Sea and the northern part of the Maluku Sea belong to the western equatorial
Pacific that is influenced by the Mindanao Current. During the southeast (SE) monsoon …
Pacific that is influenced by the Mindanao Current. During the southeast (SE) monsoon …
Variability of diurnal sea surface temperature during short term and high SST event in the western equatorial pacific as revealed by satellite data
Near-surface diurnal warming is an important process in the climate system, driving
exchanges of water vapor and heat between the ocean and the atmosphere. The …
exchanges of water vapor and heat between the ocean and the atmosphere. The …
Pengaruh faktor klorofil-a dan suhu permukaan laut terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan teri (Stelesphorus sp) di Jepara
Sumberdaya ikan pelagis diduga merupakan salah satu sumberdaya perikanan yang paling
melimpah di perairan Indonesia. Perairan Kabupaten Jepara memiliki sumberdaya ikan …
melimpah di perairan Indonesia. Perairan Kabupaten Jepara memiliki sumberdaya ikan …
Cenderawasih Hot Pool: The Frequent High Sea Surface Temperature Phenomena At Cenderawasih Bay, Papua
The term “warm pool” refers to a body of water with the characteristic of SST exceeding 28 C
within a particular area and a relatively long period in an annual circle. However, there are …
within a particular area and a relatively long period in an annual circle. However, there are …
[PDF][PDF] Diagnosa perilaku MJO aktif pada saat La Nina kuat (2011/2012) di perairan tropis
Variabilitas cuaca dan iklim di Indonesia disebabkan oleh berbagai macam faktor skala
ruang dan waktu, baik yang bersifat lokal, regional, maupun global dengan variasi waktu …
ruang dan waktu, baik yang bersifat lokal, regional, maupun global dengan variasi waktu …
Thermal structure of hot events and their possible role in maintaining the warm isothermal layer in the Western Pacific warm pool
The short-lived events of high SST are called hot events (HEs) and can only be generated
under the conditions of large daily heat gain due to strong solar radiation and weak wind …
under the conditions of large daily heat gain due to strong solar radiation and weak wind …
Atmospheric structure favoring high sea surface temperatures in the western equatorial Pacific
A Wirasatriya, H Kawamura, T Shimada… - Journal of …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
We investigated the atmospheric processes over high sea surface temperature called Hot
Event (HE) in the western equatorial Pacific from climatological analysis and a case study of …
Event (HE) in the western equatorial Pacific from climatological analysis and a case study of …
Retrieval of daily mean VIIRS SST products in China seas
Q Li, Q He, C Chen - Remote Sensing, 2021 - mdpi.com
Sea surface temperature (SST) is one of the most important factors in regulating air-sea heat
flux and, thus, climate change. Most of current global daily SST products are derived from …
flux and, thus, climate change. Most of current global daily SST products are derived from …
Satellite-borne detection of high diurnal amplitude of sea surface temperature in the seas west of the Tsugaru Strait, Japan, during Yamase wind season
The purpose of this study is to investigate the variation of diurnal SST amplitude (∆ SST) in
the seas west of the Tsugaru Strait, Japan, which exhibit complex topography that affects the …
the seas west of the Tsugaru Strait, Japan, which exhibit complex topography that affects the …
[PDF][PDF] Studi persistensi suhu permukaan laut tinggi (> 30 C) di perairan Selat Malaka
M Swandiko, A Wirasatriya, J Marwoto… - Buletin Oseanografi …, 2021 - academia.edu
Hot Event merupakan fenomena suhu permukaan laut (SPL) tinggi lebih dari 30 C dan
memiliki mekanisme khusus dalam pembentukannya, yaitu kecepatan angin lemah dan …
memiliki mekanisme khusus dalam pembentukannya, yaitu kecepatan angin lemah dan …