Small and Medium Scales Business Development Model and Value Chain of Apis mellifera L. Bee Cultivation in Riau Province

AS Yunianto, A Pribadi, H Kurniawan… - Jurnal Ilmu …, 2024 -
Beekeeping practice was an alternative livelihood for communities around forest areas,
offering a potential solution to reduce conflicts arising from the use and management of this …

[HTML][HTML] Effects of Harvest Time and Acacia crassicarpa Age on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Apis mellifera L. Honey in Tropical Indonesian Forests.

E Suhesti, L Zalizar, J Triwanto… - Pertanika Journal of …, 2024 -
The comprehensive understanding of the physicochemical profile of monofloral honey
derived from Acacia crassicarpa, specifically in the Indonesian tropical forest ecosystem, has …

Pelatihan Budidaya Lebah Kelulut (Heterotrigona itama) Bagi DKM Masjid Ash-Shiddiq Rumbai Pekanbaru

E Suhesti, H Hadinoto, SU Lestari - … Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada …, 2023 -
Budidaya lebah madu kelulut (Heterotrigona itama) tidak asing lagi bagi sebagian
masyarakat Indonesia, relatif lebih mudah dibudidayakan karena tidak menyengat dan …

Peningkatan Kualitas Madu Trigona Melalui Pelatihan Dehumidifikasi Sederhana

AGMI Suhri, AA Mattunruang, WW Astuti… - Madaniya, 2024 -
Pelatihan dehumidifikasi sederhana di Desa Kompang berhasil meningkatkan kualitas
madu Trigona melalui pengendalian kadar air. Masyarakat setempat kini mampu …

Evaluation of Honey Production for Industry Purposes, The Case of Beekeeping with Apis Mellifera in Indonesia After The Covid-19 Pandemic

DB Purwanto, K Kuntadi, Y Adalina… - … Journal of Social …, 2024 -
The Indonesian beekeeping industry, grappling with diverse bee species, focuses on the
sustainability of operations, particularly with the introduction of Apis mellifera during the …

Padatan Tidak Larut Air dan Cemaran Logam dalam Madu Apis dorsata dan Apis mellifera dari Provinsi Riau

E Suhesti, AT Ratnaningsih… - Wahana Forestra: Jurnal …, 2024 -
This research aims to analyze the content of water-insoluble solids and metal contamination
in Apis dorsata and Apis mellifera honey from Riau Province and compare them with the …