[图书][B] Blue revolution: Integrated land and water resources management

I Calder - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
'Blue Revolution upturns some environmental applecarts-not for the hell of it, but so we can
manage our environment better.'Fred Pearce, New Scientist This updated and revised …

[图书][B] Institutions, transaction costs, and environmental policy: institutional reform for water resources

R Challen - 2000 - books.google.com
'This is an excellent piece of work, applying the economic theory of property rights and
transaction costs to the complex policy problems associated with water use in irrigation …

[图书][B] The blue revolution: land use and integrated water resources management.

IR Calder - 1999 - cabidigitallibrary.org
The book discusses the revolution that is underway in the development of new plans,
strategies and designs for land use and all water related developments. It provides fresh …

Emerging issues in risk management in farm firms

DJ Beal - Review of Marketing and Agricultural Economics, 1996 - ageconsearch.umn.edu
Farming is a high risk business because of the inherent variability of the natural environment
in which it is placed and the markets in which its products are sold. Farmers have learned to …

Water allocations: efficiency and equity issues

A McClintock, V Topp - Australian Commodities: Forecasts and …, 1998 - search.informit.org
The introduction of markets in rights to water is a key feature of recent state and
Commonwealth government reforms to the way rural water resources are managed (Council …

[图书][B] Multiple use of farmwater to produce fish

GJ Gooley, GJ Gooley - 2001 - researchgate.net
Background With a global emphasis on ecologically sustainable development of natural
resources, it is logical to integrate, where possible, appropriate farming practices to enhance …

[HTML][HTML] Water reform and the agricultural sector in Australia

R Pittar - Subsidy Reform and Sustainable Development, 2006 - books.google.com
In Australia, governments have historically been the principle investors in water and
irrigation infrastructure. Government objectives were to open up new areas for agricultural …

Evaluation of Policy Options to Manage Net Recharge in Irrigation Areas of the Southern Murray-Darling Basin

JC Madden, P Simmons, M Bryant - 1998 - rune.une.edu.au
Irrigation areas in the Southern Murray-Darling Basin face a number of environmental and
agricultural production problems. Two of the major on-farm environmental concerns for …

[PDF][PDF] Environmental Incentives

W Server - 1997 - dws.ssec.org.au
This report is an updated and expanded version of Using Economic Instruments for Meeting
Environmental Objectives: Australia's Experience, an environmental economics research …