Pendampingan Pembuatan Masterplan dan Revitalisasi Pura Kahyangan Jagat Luhur Batu Lumbung, Desa Pakraman Soka, Kecamatan Penebel Kabupaten …

IK Pranajaya, EN Dewi, S Rahayu - Jurnal Lentera Widya, 2023 -
Pura yang diduga sebagai bangunan cagar budaya wajib dilestarikan karena memiliki
signifikansi budaya dari masa lalu dan memiliki bukti perjalanan sejarah dan kebudayaan …

Signifikansi Budaya Pada Restorasi Arsitektur Dan Interior Pemedal Agung Dan Penyengker Pura Desa Dan Pura Puseh Desa Adat Denpasar

IK Pranajaya, IN Artayasa… - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2024 -
Many temples in Bali have been renovated without regard to their historical value, resulting
in many new forms, ornaments, and materials even though the temple as a cultural heritage …

Pembentukan Karakter Bangsa melalui Integrasi Prinsip Ketuhanan dan Nilai-Nilai Adat dalam Pancasila: Formation of National Character through the Integration of …

C Paelongan, KH Tangibali… - Journal of Marginal …, 2024 -
I This research explores the harmony between the principles of Belief in One Almighty God
and Traditional values in Pancasila as the ideological foundation of the Indonesian state …

Giat Nguopin Wanita Bali di Desa Tegal Tugu Gianyar

ES Lini, NGAA Nerawati… - Metta: Jurnal Ilmu …, 2023 -
Ceremonial activities in Bali cannot be separated from one of the implementations of the
three basic frameworks carried out by Hindus. This relates to preparing ceremonies or …

Periodic Transformation with Ecological Justice Education Approach for Tianyar Coastal Communities in Realizing SDGs

NKS Adnyani, IMA Wirawan, NM Wiratini… - Proceedings of the 6th …, 2024 -
The purpose of implementing the activity is to support the Sustainable Development Goals
(TPB) through partnership programs to achieve goals, maintain marine ecosystems and …