The cocktail party problem: what is it? How can it be solved? And why should animal behaviorists study it?

MA Bee, C Micheyl - Journal of comparative psychology, 2008 -
Animals often use acoustic signals to communicate in groups or social aggregations in
which multiple individuals signal within a receiver's hearing range. Consequently, receivers …

Individual vocal recognition across taxa: a review of the literature and a look into the future

NV Carlson, EMK Kelly… - … Transactions of the …, 2020 -
Individual vocal recognition (IVR) has been well studied in mammals and birds. These
studies have primarily delved into understanding IVR in specific limited contexts (eg parent …

[HTML][HTML] The use of bioacoustics in anuran taxonomy: theory, terminology, methods and recommendations for best practice

J Koehler, M Jansen, A Rodriguez, PJR Kok, LF Toledo… - Zootaxa, 2017 -
Vocalizations of anuran amphibians have received much attention in studies of behavioral
ecology and physiology, but also provide informative characters for identifying and …

[图书][B] Principles of animal communication

JW Bradbury, SL Vehrencamp - 1998 -
Literature Cited to accompany Animal Communication, 2e Page 1 Principles of Animal
Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …

[PDF][PDF] Pre-emptive low cost social distancing and enhanced hygiene implemented before local COVID-19 transmission could decrease the number and severity of …

C Dalton, S Corbett, A Katelaris - Med J Aust, 2020 -
China appears to have constrained transmission of COVID-19 outside of Hubei Provence
through rapid and intensive containment and mitigation interventions. Most countries only …

'Nasty neighbours' rather than 'dear enemies' in a social carnivore

CA Müller, MB Manser - Proceedings of the Royal …, 2007 -
Territorial animals typically respond less aggressively to neighbours than to strangers. This
'dear enemy effect'has been explained by differing familiarity or by different threat levels …

Beyond 'nasty neighbours' and 'dear enemies'? Individual recognition by scent marks in a lizard (Podarcis hispanica)

P Carazo, E Font, E Desfilis - Animal Behaviour, 2008 - Elsevier
True individual recognition (TIR), the ability to recognize conspecific individuals on the basis
of identity cues, is required for the evolution of several social traits (eg the maintenance of …

Specificity and multiplicity in the recognition of individuals: implications for the evolution of social behaviour

RH Wiley - Biological Reviews, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Recognition of conspecifics occurs when individuals classify sets of conspecifics based on
sensory input from them and associate these sets with different responses. Classification of …

A dual function of echolocation: bats use echolocation calls to identify familiar and unfamiliar individuals

SL Voigt-Heucke, M Taborsky, DKN Dechmann - Animal Behaviour, 2010 - Elsevier
Bats use echolocation for orientation during foraging and navigation. However, it has been
suggested that echolocation calls may also have a communicative function, for instance …

Character displacement from the receiver's perspective: species and mate recognition despite convergent signals in suboscine birds

N Seddon, JA Tobias - … of the Royal Society B: Biological …, 2010 -
Many social animals use long-distance signals to attract mates and defend territories. They
face the twin challenges of discriminating between species to identify conspecific mates, and …