Homecare robotic systems for healthcare 4.0: Visions and enabling technologies
Powered by the technologies that have originated from manufacturing, the fourth revolution
of healthcare technologies is happening (Healthcare 4.0). As an example of such revolution …
of healthcare technologies is happening (Healthcare 4.0). As an example of such revolution …
Upper limb physical rehabilitation using serious videogames and motion capture systems: A systematic review
The use of videogames and motion capture systems in rehabilitation contributes to the
recovery of the patient. This systematic review aimed to explore the works related to these …
recovery of the patient. This systematic review aimed to explore the works related to these …
Interdiff: Generating 3d human-object interactions with physics-informed diffusion
This paper addresses a novel task of anticipating 3D human-object interactions (HOIs). Most
existing research on HOI synthesis lacks comprehensive whole-body interactions with …
existing research on HOI synthesis lacks comprehensive whole-body interactions with …
Synthesis of compositional animations from textual descriptions
How can we animate 3D-characters from a movie script or move robots by simply telling
them what we would like them to do?" How unstructured and complex can we make a …
them what we would like them to do?" How unstructured and complex can we make a …
Learning human motion models for long-term predictions
We propose a new architecture for the learning of predictive spatio-temporal motion models
from data alone. Our approach, dubbed the Dropout Autoencoder LSTM (DAELSTM), is …
from data alone. Our approach, dubbed the Dropout Autoencoder LSTM (DAELSTM), is …
The kit motion-language dataset
Linking human motion and natural language is of great interest for the generation of
semantic representations of human activities as well as for the generation of robot activities …
semantic representations of human activities as well as for the generation of robot activities …
The wanderings of odysseus in 3d scenes
Our goal is to populate digital environments, in which digital humans have diverse body
shapes, move perpetually, and have plausible body-scene contact. The core challenge is to …
shapes, move perpetually, and have plausible body-scene contact. The core challenge is to …
Como: Controllable motion generation through language guided pose code editing
Text-to-motion models excel at efficient human motion generation, but existing approaches
lack fine-grained controllability over the generation process. Consequently, modifying subtle …
lack fine-grained controllability over the generation process. Consequently, modifying subtle …
Pretrained diffusion models for unified human motion synthesis
Generative modeling of human motion has broad applications in computer animation, virtual
reality, and robotics. Conventional approaches develop separate models for different motion …
reality, and robotics. Conventional approaches develop separate models for different motion …
Mocap Everyone Everywhere: Lightweight Motion Capture With Smartwatches and a Head-Mounted Camera
We present a lightweight and affordable motion capture method based on two smartwatches
and a head-mounted camera. In contrast to the existing approaches that use six or more …
and a head-mounted camera. In contrast to the existing approaches that use six or more …