Ingenierías de la subjetividad: el caso de la orientación para el empleo

AS Pascual, C Fernández Rodríguez… - Revista Española de …, 2012 -
En las últimas décadas se ha producido una importante mutación en la concepción del
desempleo, reforzándose las interpretaciones que ponen el énfasis en el gobierno de las …

The working relationship between social worker and service user in an activation policy context

HC Hansen, S Natland - Nordic Social Work Research, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Recognition of the human relationships as a means of creating change and development is
fundamental to social work. However, the shift in European welfare policy in the 1990s …

[图书][B] Análisis sociológico del discurso: Enfoques, métodos y procedimientos

B Herzog, J Ruiz - 2019 -
El volumen ofrece un diálogo entre perspectivas sociológicamente relevantes y de distintas
tradiciones internacionales. Reúne por primera vez una gran variedad de visiones …

The activating profession: Coaching and coercing in the welfare services

A Hagelund - International Journal of Public Sector Management, 2016 -
Purpose Activation policies are key elements of contemporary welfare reform throughout
Europe. The purpose of this paper is to explore the consequences of more active and …

Between rights and obligations–rethinking youth participation at the margins

M Määttä, S Aaltonen - International Journal of Sociology and Social …, 2016 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to offer a critical view of participatory policies and
measures by highlighting that participation is not only a right for young people, but also an …

The street-level organisation in-between employer needs and client needs: Creaming users by motivation in the Norwegian employment and welfare service (NAV)

HM Gjersøe, AH Strand - Journal of Social Policy, 2023 -
Employer engagement is increasingly emphasised in the context of efforts to bring more
disadvantaged people into work. A new approach in the Norwegian Employment and …

Employer orientation in the German public employment service

F Sowa, N Reims, S Theuer - Critical Social Policy, 2015 -
Through the introduction of welfare states and social policy, owners of labour power
acquired alternatives to the permanent sale of their labour. Entitlements to social security …

[图书][B] Regulating transitions from school to work: An institutional ethnography of activation work in action

S Dahmen - 2021 -
How are activation programs for the young unemployed implemented? How do street-level
bureaucrats deal with competing rationalities and demands for action? Transition policies …

Accounting in der Arbeitsverwaltung: Vermittlungsfachkräfte zwischen Steuerungsimperativen und autonomem Vermittlungshandeln

F Sowa, R Staples - Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 2014 -
Die seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre andauernden Umstrukturierungen der Bundesagentur für
Arbeit haben den Vermittlungsprozess im SGB III und damit den Arbeitsalltag von …

Activating the person in the changing situation: A dynamic analytical approach to labour activation

HC Hansen, E Gubrium - Journal of comparative social work, 2021 -
For several decades, the turn towards labour activation has dominated European social
work and social work institutions. While social work research and practice focused on labour …