Review of the high-order TENO schemes for compressible gas dynamics and turbulence

L Fu - Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2023 - Springer
For compressible flow simulations involving both turbulence and shockwaves, the
competing requirements render it challenging to develop high-order numerical methods …

Smoothed particle hydrodynamics: Methodology development and recent achievement

C Zhang, Y Zhu, D Wu, NA Adams, X Hu - Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2022 - Springer
Since its inception, the full Lagrangian meshless smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)
has experienced a tremendous enhancement in methodology and impacted a range of multi …

On methodology and application of smoothed particle hydrodynamics in fluid, solid and biomechanics

F Xu, J Wang, Y Yang, L Wang, Z Dai, R Han - Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2023 - Springer
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), as one of the earliest meshfree methods, has
broad prospects in modeling a wide range of problems in engineering and science …

[HTML][HTML] Energy balance in quasi-Lagrangian Riemann-based SPH schemes

J Michel, M Antuono, G Oger, S Marrone - Computer Methods in Applied …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method suffers from the presence of
irregular particle distributions inherent in its Lagrangian nature. A way to circumvent this …


王平平, 张阿漫, 彭玉祥, 孟子飞 - 力学学报, 2022 -
近场水下爆炸涉及多相流体的掺杂耦合以及结构的大变形, 损伤和断裂等瞬态强非线性现象,
传统的网格算法在模拟近场水下爆炸时面临结构网格畸变, 多相界面捕捉精度不足等难题 …

A new smoothed particle hydrodynamics method based on high-order moving-least-square targeted essentially non-oscillatory scheme for compressible flows

T Gao, T Liang, L Fu - Journal of Computational Physics, 2023 - Elsevier
In this study, we establish a hybrid high-order smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)
framework (MLS-TENO-SPH) for compressible flows with discontinuities, which is able to …

A coupled smoothed particle hydrodynamics-finite volume method for three-dimensional modeling of bubble dynamics

MK Li, A Zhang, FR Ming, YX Peng - Physics of Fluids, 2023 -
Bubble pulsation is a characteristic multiphase compressible flow, which involves periodic
oscillation and strong pressure wave and is vulnerable to boundary conditions. The …

A new type of non-polynomial based TENO scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws

T Liang, L Fu - Journal of Computational Physics, 2024 - Elsevier
For classical WENO/TENO reconstructions, the high-order polynomial interpolation is one of
the main building-blocks for constructing the numerical fluxes. However, due to the inherent …

Embedment of WENO-Z reconstruction in Lagrangian WLS scheme implemented on GPU for strongly-compressible multi-phase flows

T Jiang, YH Liu, ZF Meng, PN Sun, XY Wei… - Computer Methods in …, 2024 - Elsevier
It is a notoriously challenge problem for Lagrangian particle methods to solve compressible
flows with strong discontinuities and large volume variations. To overcome the problems of …

An alternative formulation of targeted ENO scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws

CC Ye, ZH Wan, DJ Sun - Computers & Fluids, 2022 - Elsevier
An alternative formulation of targeted ENO scheme (AFTENO) is proposed for hyperbolic
conservation laws. The new scheme combines the advantages of targeted ENO (TENO) and …