Heterogeneous Parallel Architecture for Face Detection Enhancement

A Albssami, S Sharaf - IJCSNS, 2022 - platform.almanhal.com
Face Detection is one of the most important aspects of image processing, it considers a time-
consuming problem in real-time applications such as surveillance systems, face recognition …

VLSI and Hardware Implementation Using Machine Learning Methods: A Systematic Literature Review

K Lata, S Saini, GR Sinha - VLSI and Hardware …, 2021 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Machine learning (ML) technologies have gained a lot of traction as a result of advancement
in design technology of computer systems in terms of design constraints like functioning …

[PDF][PDF] Performance Tuning Techniques for Face Detection Algorithms on GPGPU

YM Abdelaal, M Fayez, S Ghoniemy, E Abozinadah… - researchgate.net
Face detection algorithms varies in speed and performance on GPUs. Different algorithms
can report different speeds on different GPUs that are not governed by linear or nearlinear …