A systematic review of automated grammar checking in English language

M Soni, JS Thakur - arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.00540, 2018 - arxiv.org
Grammar checking is the task of detection and correction of grammatical errors in the text.
English is the dominating language in the field of science and technology. Therefore, the …

[PDF][PDF] Chinese word ordering errors detection and correction for non-native Chinese language learners

SM Cheng, CH Yu, HH Chen - Proceedings of COLING 2014, the …, 2014 - aclanthology.org
Abstract Word Ordering Errors (WOEs) are the most frequent type of grammatical errors at
sentence level for non-native Chinese language learners. Learners taking Chinese as a …

[PDF][PDF] An Efficient Approach For Sentiment Analysis Of Health Posts

SA Ahmed, P Ravi, K Paramesha… - International Journal …, 2016 - researchgate.net
The Social Networks/Media and various Internetbased Communities/Forums are emerged
as the platform for people to share information, regarding their daily lives and their …

[PDF][PDF] Shou-De Lin

ML AI, D Mining - csie.ntu.edu.tw
Shou-De Lin Page 1 Shou-De Lin • Chief Machine Learning Scientist, Appier • Email: sd.lin@appier.com
• Website: http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~sdlin/ • Google Scholar profile link: https://scholar.lanfanshu.cn/citations?user=_82xf3QAAAAJ&hl=en …

A Comparative Analysis of Automated Grammar Checking Techniques

M Soni, JS Thakur - Mathematical Statistician and Engineering …, 2021 - philstat.org
Grammar checking has been identified as an important application of Natural Language
Processing. Development of automated grammar checking tools is gaining popularity …

[PDF][PDF] Improving Statistical Machine Translation with Target-Side Dependency Syntax

WR John - 2016 - repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Abstract Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the field of Artificial Intelligence research
that aims to teach computers to produce and understand human text and speech. Major …

[PDF][PDF] Enhancing function word translation with syntax-based statistical post-editing

J Richardson, T Nakazawa… - Proceedings of the 6th …, 2015 - aclanthology.org
The generation of precise and comprehensible translations is still a challenge in the patent
and scientific domain. In particular, function words are often poorly translated in standard …

[引用][C] Improving Statistical Machine Translation with Target-Side

WR John - choice, 2016