Child Pedestrian Friendly Design Principle for the Settlement and Housing area

FP Makalew - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental …, 2019 -
Children pedestrian as part of sustainable transportation requires safe and comfortable area
for their activity. The design principle of a good quality children pedestrian needs in-depth …

Design Concept for Child Pedestrian-Friendly Prototype

FP Makalew, SWM Supit… - IOP Conference Series …, 2021 -
Pedestrians as active transportation require adequate facility including child pedestrian
pathways. Children as the pedestrian is a vulnerable user to an accident due to their active …

Plagiarism Checker: Studi Pilihan Moda Transportasi Anak Sekolah Dasar

FP Makalew - Jurnal Teknik Sipil Terapan (JTST), 2019 -
Tujuan perjalanan bagi pengguna transportasi dapat ditempuh dengan menggunakan
berbagai pilihan moda perjalanan. Pilihan moda transportasi dengan tujuan perjalanan …

Influence of elementary students walking speed to children pedestrian pathway planning

FP Makalew, SA Adisasmita, S Wunas… - IOP Conference Series …, 2020 -
Children pedestrian use pathways for access on their journey. As part of the infrastructure,
the pedestrian pathway for elementary students, require adequate access to and from …

Design principle of evacuation route for the pedestrian during a flood event in Borgo village

FP Makalew, DJF Mandang - IOP Conference Series: Earth and …, 2020 -
Flooding in the riverfront area is a danger for pedestrians without appropriate information
and facility during the event. This research aims to analyze the principle design of the …

[PDF][PDF] Design and Construction of Pedestrian Pathway on Tourism Area Based on Local Wisdom Approach

FP Makalew, M Wala, B Tombeg… - … Conference on Applied …, 2022 -
The Pedestrian pathway in the public area needs to be designed and constructed for comfort
and easily accessible. In the tourist attraction areas, pedestrian access is to the facility …

Ketersediaan Infrastruktur Kawasan Perumahan Sederhana (Studi Kasus: Perumahan Politeknik Indah)

FP Makalew, EVY Waney, S Runtunuwu… - … Aset Infrastruktur & …, 2021 -
Suatu sistem perencanaan pembangunan perumahan yang terintegrasi dengan sarana dan
prasarana lingkungan perumahan adalah menyangkut faktor keterjangkauan finansial dan …

Plagiarism Checker: Construction System of Building Block for the Child Pedestrian-Friendly Pathway Prototype

FP Makalew, SWM Supit… - Advances in Engineering …, 2020 -
The construction system chosen for a prototype is part of the implementation of concept
design including a pedestrian pathway. With the main user, the pedestrian is children, the …

Evaluation Characteristics of Pedestrian Pathway in Coastal Area

FP Makalew, DJF Mandang, SWM Supit… - … on Applied Science …, 2024 -
Research on pedestrian pathways in coastal areas is related to facilities provided and
access in the area. The characteristic of coastal area is influenced by access to different …

Plagiarism Checker: Penerapan Produk Shelter Pejalan Kaki Anak di SLB Kreasi Mandiri

FP Makalew, SWM Supit - Jurnal Abdi Insani, 2022 -
Pengembangan hasil penelitian berkaitan dengan shelter pejalan kaki anak
diimplementasikan dalam bentuk penerapan produk pada lokasi mitra Sekolah Luar Biasa …