Metabolic, phylogenetic, and ecological diversity of the methanogenic archaea

Y Liu, WB Whitman - Annals of the new York Academy of …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Although of limited metabolic diversity, methanogenic archaea or methanogens possess
great phylogenetic and ecological diversity. Only three types of methanogenic pathways are …

Model organisms for genetics in the domain Archaea: methanogens, halophiles, Thermococcales and Sulfolobales

JA Leigh, SV Albers, H Atomi… - FEMS microbiology …, 2011 -
The tree of life is split into three main branches: eukaryotes, bacteria, and archaea. Our
knowledge of eukaryotic and bacteria cell biology has been built on a foundation of studies …

Genetic code flexibility in microorganisms: novel mechanisms and impact on physiology

J Ling, P O'donoghue, D Söll - Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2015 -
The genetic code, initially thought to be universal and immutable, is now known to contain
many variations, including biased codon usage, codon reassignment, ambiguous decoding …

Recoding of stop codons expands the metabolic potential of two novel Asgardarchaeota lineages

J Sun, PN Evans, EJ Gagen, BJ Woodcroft… - ISME …, 2021 -
Asgardarchaeota have been proposed as the closest living relatives to eukaryotes, and a
total of 72 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) representing six primary lineages in …

The complete biosynthesis of the genetically encoded amino acid pyrrolysine from lysine

MA Gaston, L Zhang, KB Green-Church, JA Krzycki - Nature, 2011 -
Pyrrolysine, the twenty-second amino acid found to be encoded in the natural genetic
code,,,, is necessary for all of the known pathways by which methane is formed from …

Selenocysteine, pyrrolysine, and the unique energy metabolism of methanogenic archaea

M Rother, JA Krzycki - Archaea, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Methanogenic archaea are a group of strictly anaerobic microorganisms characterized by
their strict dependence on the process of methanogenesis for energy conservation. Among …

The direct genetic encoding of pyrrolysine

JA Krzycki - Current Opinion in Microbiology, 2005 - Elsevier
Pyrrolysine is an amino acid encoded by the amber codon in genes required for
methylamine utilization by members of the Methanosarcinaceae. Pyrrolysine and …

Agmatine-conjugated cytidine in a tRNA anticodon is essential for AUA decoding in archaea

Y Ikeuchi, S Kimura, T Numata, D Nakamura… - Nature chemical …, 2010 -
A modified base at the first (wobble) position of some tRNA anticodons is critical for
deciphering the genetic code. In eukaryotes and eubacteria, AUA codons are decoded by …

Functional context, biosynthesis, and genetic encoding of pyrrolysine

MA Gaston, R Jiang, JA Krzycki - Current opinion in microbiology, 2011 - Elsevier
In Methanosarcina spp., amber codons in methylamine methyltransferase genes are
translated as the 22nd amino acid, pyrrolysine. The responsible pyl genes plus amber …

Engineering Pyrrolysine Systems for Genetic Code Expansion and Reprogramming

DL Dunkelmann, JW Chin - Chemical Reviews, 2024 - ACS Publications
Over the past 16 years, genetic code expansion and reprogramming in living organisms has
been transformed by advances that leverage the unique properties of pyrrolysyl-tRNA …