A common thread: The pairing interaction for unconventional superconductors

DJ Scalapino - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2012 - APS
The structures, the phase diagrams, and the appearance of a neutron resonance signaling
an unconventional superconducting state provide phenomenological evidence relating the …

Superconductivity in iron compounds

GR Stewart - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2011 - APS
Kamihara and coworkers' report of superconductivity at T c= 26 K in fluorine-doped
LaFeAsO inspired a worldwide effort to understand the nature of the superconductivity in this …

Iron-based superconductors: Current status of materials and pairing mechanism

H Hosono, K Kuroki - Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 2015 - Elsevier
Since the discovery of high T c iron-based superconductors in early 2008, more than 15,000
papers have been published as a result of intensive research. This paper describes the …

Gap symmetry and structure of Fe-based superconductors

PJ Hirschfeld, MM Korshunov… - Reports on progress in …, 2011 - iopscience.iop.org
The recently discovered Fe-pnictide and chalcogenide superconductors display low-
temperature properties suggesting superconducting gap structures which appear to vary …

Orbital-Fluctuation-Mediated Superconductivity in Iron Pnictides:<? format?> Analysis of the Five-Orbital Hubbard-Holstein Model

H Kontani, S Onari - Physical review letters, 2010 - APS
In iron pnictides, we find that the moderate electron-phonon interaction due to the Fe-ion
oscillation can induce the critical d-orbital fluctuations, without being prohibited by the …

Using gap symmetry and structure to reveal the pairing mechanism in Fe-based superconductors

PJ Hirschfeld - Comptes Rendus Physique, 2016 - Elsevier
I review theoretical ideas and implications of experiments for the gap structure and symmetry
of the Fe-based superconductors. Unlike any other class of unconventional …

Magnetism in Fe-based superconductors

MD Lumsden, AD Christianson - Journal of Physics: Condensed …, 2010 - iopscience.iop.org
In this review, we present a summary of experimental studies of magnetism in Fe-based
superconductors. The doping dependent phase diagram shows strong similarities to the …

Iron-based superconductors: Magnetism, superconductivity, and electronic structure

AA Kordyuk - Low temperature physics, 2012 - pubs.aip.org
Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) reveals the features of the electronic
structure of quasi-two-dimensional crystals which are crucial for spin and charge ordering …

Self-consistent Vertex Correction Analysis for Iron-based Superconductors:<? format?> Mechanism of Coulomb Interaction-Driven Orbital Fluctuations

S Onari, H Kontani - Physical Review Letters, 2012 - APS
We study the mechanism of orbital or spin fluctuations due to multiorbital Coulomb
interaction in<? format?> iron-based superconductors, going beyond the random-phase …

Satellites and large doping and temperature dependence of electronic properties in hole-doped BaFe2As2

P Werner, M Casula, T Miyake, F Aryasetiawan… - Nature Physics, 2012 - nature.com
Superconductivity has recently been discovered in several families of iron-based
compounds, but despite intense research even such basic electronic properties of these …