“Rewarding good creators”: corporate social media discourse on monetization schemes for content creators
S Kopf - Social Media+ Society, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
This discourse analytical article deals with the power relations between social media
corporations and content creators in the context of monetization schemes of social media …
corporations and content creators in the context of monetization schemes of social media …
ME Placencia, H Powell - … al estudio del discurso digital en …, 2025 - taylorfrancis.com
Facebook es una de las principales redes en uso mundialmente. Habiendo revolucionado
la manera de comunicarnos, su alcance en la actualidad se extiende a un sin número de …
la manera de comunicarnos, su alcance en la actualidad se extiende a un sin número de …
12 Wikipedia discourse about social media Facebook between community and corporation Susanne Kopf
S Kopf - Discourse in the Digital Age: Social Media, Power, and …, 2023 - books.google.com
" If you're not paying for it, you're the product." Social media (SM) platforms such as
Facebook and YouTube are provided by businesses that aim to generate revenue but …
Facebook and YouTube are provided by businesses that aim to generate revenue but …
Wikipedia discourse about social media: Facebook between community and corporation
S Kopf - Discourse in the Digital Age, 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter deals with the representation of and discourse about Facebook on Wikipedia.
For one, this chapter sheds light on how Wikipedia's representation of Facebook has …
For one, this chapter sheds light on how Wikipedia's representation of Facebook has …
Manipulating Meaning: Language and Ideology in the Commodification of Online Sociality
AA Harju, E Lillqvist - Open Cultural Studies, 2018 - degruyter.com
Marxist Internet scholars have recently shed light on the commodification and exploitation of
social media users. While some of these studies have also acknowledged the ideological …
social media users. While some of these studies have also acknowledged the ideological …