Keandalan Data Curah Hujan Satelit TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) Terhadap Data Curah Hujan Stasiun Bumi pada Beberapa Sub DAS di DAS …

R Nuramalia, U Lasminto - Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil, 2022 -
Persebaran pos stasiun hujan pada beberapa DAS tidak merata. Hal ini dapat
mempengaruhi kualitas data curah hujan yang dihasilkan. Untuk mendapatkan data dengan …

[PDF][PDF] Tren Curah Hujan Berbasis Data Sinoptik BMKG dan Reanalisis MERRA-2 NASA di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

S Alfiandy, DS Permana - Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Modifikasi …, 2020 -
Climate change can affect changes in rainfall patterns and intensity. The study of climate
change in Central Sulawesi Province is significant for policymaking in agriculture and other …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis of water availability based on satellite rainfall in the upper brantas river basin

H Maulana, E Suhartanto, D Harisuseno - … Research Journal of …, 2019 -
Analysis of water availability for irrigation is a basic analysis in determining the extent of
irrigation and cropping patterns. Discharge and rainfall data is most important in the analysis …

Koreksi bias statistik pada data prediksi suhu permukaan air laut di wilayah Indian ocean dipole barat dan timur

MK Najib, S Nurdiati - Jambura Geoscience Review, 2021 -
The IOD can be measured using the Dipole Mode Index (DMI) which is calculated based on
the sea surface temperature in the Indian Ocean. Therefore, DMI can be predicted using sea …

Comparison performance of the multi-Regional Climate Model (RCM) in simulating rainfall and air temperature in Batanghari watershed

U Handoko, R Boer, E Aldrian, AL Latifah… - … Journal of Science …, 2019 -
Many scientists assume that RCM output is directly used as input for climate change impact
models, while it consists of systematic errors. Consequently, RCM still requires bias …

El nino index prediction model using quantile mapping approach on sea surface temperature data

S Nurdiati, E Khatizah, MK Najib… - Desimal: Jurnal …, 2021 -
El Nino is a global climate phenomenon caused by the warming of sea surface temperatures
in the eastern Pacific Ocean. El Nino has a powerful effect on the intensity of rainfall in …

Performa Koreksi Bias Prakiraan Curah Hujan Model European Centre Medium Weather Forecast (ECMWF) di Sulawesi

WG Kurnia, R Muharsyah, S Widiyanto - Buletin GAW Bariri (BGB), 2020 -
Sulawesi memiliki pola curah hujan yang terdiri dari pola curah hujan monsunal, ekuatorial,
dan lokal sehingga menyebabkan tingkat kesulitan tersendiri untuk menentukan prakiraan …

[PDF][PDF] Statistical bias correction for predictions of Indian ocean dipole index with quantile mapping approach

S Nurdiati, A Sopaheluwakan… - … MIPAnet Conference on …, 2019 -
The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is a phenomenon of ocean-atmosphere interaction that
affects climate conditions in Indonesia. The IOD index shows the difference between the …

[PDF][PDF] Dependable flow analysis in Lematang weir

B Milianto, A Saggaff, F Hadinata - Int J Sci Technol Res, 2020 -
Water resources are needed currently very much, especially in the area of Kota Pagar Alam
for the purposes of rice fields which are planned to be served by Lematang Weir. The …

Kajian perubahan iklim di DKI Jakarta berdasarkan data curah hujan

M Jannah, J Sujono, AP Raharjdo - Teknisia, 2023 -
A common annual problem that often occurs in DKI Jakarta is flooding. Extreme rainfall is
one of the most dominant factors that trigger flooding in DKI Jakarta. Global warming causes …