Risk sharing and transactions costs: Evidence from Kenya's mobile money revolution
W Jack, T Suri - American Economic Review, 2014 - aeaweb.org
We explore the impact of reduced transaction costs on risk sharing by estimating the effects
of a mobile money innovation on consumption. In our panel sample, adoption of the …
of a mobile money innovation on consumption. In our panel sample, adoption of the …
Consumption and saving: models of intertemporal allocation and their implications for public policy
OP Attanasio, G Weber - Journal of Economic literature, 2010 - aeaweb.org
This paper provides a critical survey of the large literature on the life cycle model of
consumption, both from an empirical and a theoretical point of view. It discusses several …
consumption, both from an empirical and a theoretical point of view. It discusses several …
Distinguishing barriers to insurance in Thai villages
C Kinnan - Journal of Human Resources, 2022 - jhr.uwpress.org
Informal insurance is an important risk-coping mechanism in developing countries, yet this
risk sharing is incomplete. Models of limited commitment, moral hazard, and hidden income …
risk sharing is incomplete. Models of limited commitment, moral hazard, and hidden income …
Inequality and social discounting
We explore steady-state inequality in an intergenerational model with altruistically linked
individuals who experience privately observed taste shocks. When the welfare function …
individuals who experience privately observed taste shocks. When the welfare function …
Contractual structure and wealth accumulation
D Mookherjee, D Ray - American Economic Review, 2002 - aeaweb.org
Can historical wealth distributions affect long-run output and inequality despite “rational”
saving, convex technology and no externalities? We consider a model of equilibrium short …
saving, convex technology and no externalities? We consider a model of equilibrium short …
Неравенство доходов как фактор экономического и демографического роста
АЮ Шевяков - Инновации, 2011 - cyberleninka.ru
Автор статьи оспаривает точку зрения, согласно которой в странах, осуществляющих
модернизацию экономики, рост неравенства неизбежен и представляет собой …
модернизацию экономики, рост неравенства неизбежен и представляет собой …
Fiscal rules and discretion under limited enforcement
We study a fiscal policy model in which the government is present‐biased towards public
spending. Society chooses a fiscal rule to trade off the benefit of committing the government …
spending. Society chooses a fiscal rule to trade off the benefit of committing the government …
[图书][B] Мифы и реалии социальной политики
АЮ Шевяков - 2011 - elibrary.ru
Книга АЮ Шевякова «Мифы и реалии современной социальной политики» была
написана автором незадолго до его внезапной смерти. Редактирование и подготовка к …
написана автором незадолго до его внезапной смерти. Редактирование и подготовка к …
A theory of political and economic cycles
We develop a theoretical framework in which political and economic cycles are jointly
determined. These cycles are driven by three political economy frictions: policymakers are …
determined. These cycles are driven by three political economy frictions: policymakers are …
Incentives, CEO compensation, and shareholder wealth in a dynamic agency model
C Wang - Journal of Economic Theory, 1997 - Elsevier
M. Jensen and K. Murphy (1990, J. Polit. Econ. 98, 225–264) argue that the observed pay–
performance sensitivity of CEO compensation is too low to be consistent with formal agency …
performance sensitivity of CEO compensation is too low to be consistent with formal agency …