The School Literacy Movement in Elementary School: From Pre-Pandemic to Post-Pandemic Covid-19

SH Wijayanti, JT Baskoro… - QALAMUNA …, 2023 -
The results of the international study on reading literacy show that Indonesian students'
reading ability lags far behind other countries. Even nationally, the government measures …

Pengembangan Intelektualitas melalui Literasi Membaca bagi Karang Taruna Desa Kota Daro II Kabupaten Ogan Ilir

F Widyanata, D Apriani, D Susetyo… - Jurnal …, 2022 -
Purpose: This community activity aims to increase literacy in reading interest in the younger
generation of the Sriwijaya University fostered village, namely Kota Daro II Village, Rantau …


SH Wijayanti, A Setiyaningrum… - Jurnal Abdimas …, 2024 -
Abstract The School Literacy Movement (GLS) is an Indonesian government program that
fosters a liking for reading at all levels of education. In its implementation until now, many …

[PDF][PDF] Scrapbook as Based Digital Books on Literacy in Third Grade Elementary School Students

KM Lasmini, NK Suarni, IW Widiana - Journal for Lesson and …, 2022 -
In understanding a reading, students have not been able to capture and pour ideas into
good writing. The purpose of this study is to analyze scrapbook-based digital books on …

[引用][C] The School Literacy Movement Program During a Pandemic: Countenance Stake Model

SK Widiastuti, A Iriani - International Journal of Elementary Education, 2023

[引用][C] Literasi Membaca dan Dampaknya Terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Sekolah Dasar

J Noveliana, ARA Ghani - MIMBAR PGSD Undiksha, 2022

[引用][C] Buku Digital Berbasis Scrapbook Terhadap Literasi Baca Tulis Siswa Kelas III SD

KM Lasmini, NK Suarni, IW Widiana - Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 2022

[引用][C] The effectiveness of visual picture economics textbook based on problem based learning in improving reading literacy skills

FA Setyowati, T Murwaningsih - Journal of Education Technology, 2022

[引用][C] Digital Choice Board Pada Topik Cerita Fiksi Berbasis Literasi Baca Tulis Untuk Siswa Kelas IV

PW Widadari, IN Jampel - Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran, 2022

[引用][C] Peningkatan Literasi Dan Numerasi Terhadap Anak-Anak Pemulung Di Taman Edukasi Anak Aceh

S Suryani - BAKTIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, 2022