[HTML][HTML] Visual short-term memory through the lifespan: Preserved benefits of context and metacognition.

DJ Mitchell, R Cusack - Psychology and aging, 2018 - psycnet.apa.org
Visual short-term memory (VSTM) ability falls throughout the life span in healthy adults.
Using a continuous report task, in a large, population-based sample, we first confirmed that …

Incidental encoding of visual information in temporal reference frames in working memory

A Heuer, M Rolfs - Cognition, 2021 - Elsevier
Visual events are structured in space and time, yet models of visual working memory (VWM)
have largely relied on tasks emphasizing spatial aspects. Here, we show that temporal …

Temporal and spatial reference frames in visual working memory are defined by ordinal and relational properties.

A Heuer, M Rolfs - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning …, 2023 - psycnet.apa.org
Natural environments provide a rich spatiotemporal context that allows for visual objects to
be differentiated based on different types of information: their absolute or relative spatial or …

The influence of location and visual features on visual object memory

HM Sun, RD Gordon - Memory & cognition, 2010 - Springer
In five experiments, we examined the influence of contextual objects' location and visual
features on visual memory. Participants' visual memory was tested with a change detection …

Contralateral delay activity during temporal order memory

U Pomper, T Ditye, U Ansorge - Neuropsychologia, 2019 - Elsevier
In everyday life, we constantly need to remember the temporal sequence of visual events
over short periods of time, for example, when making sense of others' actions or watching a …

Raise two effects with one scene: scene contexts have two separate effects in visual working memory of target faces

A Tanabe-Ishibashi, T Ikeda, N Osaka - Frontiers in Psychology, 2014 - frontiersin.org
Many people have experienced the inability to recognize a familiar face in a changed
context, a phenomenon known as the “butcher-on-the-bus” effect. Whether this context effect …

Determinants and restrictions of the processing and reorganization of spatial configurations in visual working memory

JD Timm - 2021 - tobias-lib.ub.uni-tuebingen.de
Humans interact with several objects every moment of their lifetime. In order to process
single objects, humans rely on inter-object relations to maintain and update a network of …


RD Marion - 2005 - scholarworks.calstate.edu
Setting Up the Space Page 18 Neighborhood Settings---------------------..-..---.-----.--------18
Subjects-----------------------------------·--------------------------------19 Design the Space …

[引用][C] Neural correlates of visual working memory: Bridging structural and functional brain markers with behavioural variability

X Li - 2024 - espace.library.uq.edu.au
Visual working memory is a core cognitive function wherein we store and manipulate goal-
related visual inputs over a short period. It is vital for various daily activities, such as driving …