Chemical reactions of organic compounds in supercritical water gasification and oxidation

N Wei, D Xu, B Hao, S Guo, Y Guo, S Wang - Water Research, 2021 - Elsevier
Supercritical water is a benign reaction medium to convert organic matters through
supercritical water gasification and supercritical water oxidation into flammable gaseous and …

The chemistry of carbon in aqueous fluids at crustal and upper-mantle conditions: experimental and theoretical constraints

CE Manning, EL Shock… - Reviews in Mineralogy …, 2013 -
Carbon can be a major constituent of crustal and mantle fluids, occurring both as dissolved
ionic species (eg, carbonate ions or organic acids) and molecular species (eg, CO2, CO …

Experimental and theoretical investigation of alkene transformations in oceanic hydrothermal fluids: A mechanistic study of styrene

A Aspin, B Smith, E Burcar… - Geophysical Research …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Natural organic matter plays an important role in oceanic hydrothermal systems through a
combination of geological and chemical processes. However, identifying the hydrothermal …

The mass spectrometer for planetary exploration (MASPEX)

TG Brockwell, KJ Meech, K Pickens… - 2016 IEEE …, 2016 -
The MASPEX instrument is a high-resolution, high-sensitivity time-of-flight mass
spectrometer developed for planetary applications. Its high-resolution (25,000 mMm at 10 …

Soil processes modify the composition of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from CO2-and CH4-dominated geogenic and landfill gases: A comprehensive study

A Randazzo, S Venturi, F Tassi - Science of the Total Environment, 2024 - Elsevier
Degradation mechanisms affecting non-methane volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during
gas uprising from different hypogenic sources to the surface were investigated through …

Kinetics and mechanisms of dehydration of secondary alcohols under hydrothermal conditions

C Bockisch, ED Lorance, HE Hartnett… - ACS Earth and Space …, 2018 - ACS Publications
Alcohol dehydration by elimination of water is central to a series of functional group
interconversions that have been proposed as a reaction pathway that connects …

Thermodynamics of organic transformations in hydrothermal fluids

EL Shock, P Canovas, Z Yang… - … in Mineralogy and …, 2013 -
Hydrothermal fluids obtain organic compounds through diverse pathways. In submarine
systems organic compounds are already dissolved in seawater that is heated and …

Direct synthesis of amides from amines and carboxylic acids under hydrothermal conditions

X Fu, Y Liao, CR Glein, M Jamison… - ACS Earth and Space …, 2020 - ACS Publications
Hydrothermal systems provide a unique habitat for the subsurface biosphere, and possibly,
for the origin of life. Amides are fundamental to hydrothermal organic geochemistry and …

Quantifying the extent of amide and peptide bond synthesis across conditions relevant to geologic and planetary environments

KJ Robinson, C Bockisch, IR Gould, Y Liao… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2021 - Elsevier
Amide bonds are fundamental products in biochemistry, forming peptides critical to protein
formation, but amide bonds are also detected in sterile environments and abiotic synthesis …

Mechanisms of decarboxylation of phenylacetic acids and their sodium salts in water at high temperature and pressure

CR Glein, IR Gould, ED Lorance, HE Hartnett… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2020 - Elsevier
Mechanistic interpretations of how organic reactions happen can enhance the predictive
capacity of models for geochemical transformations built on thermodynamic and kinetic …