Application of protein-based films and coatings for food packaging: A review

H Chen, J Wang, Y Cheng, C Wang, H Liu, H Bian… - Polymers, 2019 -
As the IV generation of packaging, biopolymers, with the advantages of biodegradability,
process ability, combination possibilities and no pollution to food, have become the leading …

Recent trends in protein and peptide-based biomaterials for advanced drug delivery

A Varanko, S Saha, A Chilkoti - Advanced drug delivery reviews, 2020 - Elsevier
Engineering protein and peptide-based materials for drug delivery applications has gained
momentum due to their biochemical and biophysical properties over synthetic materials …

Cellulose nanofibers and other biopolymers for biomedical applications. A review

J Moohan, SA Stewart, E Espinosa, A Rosal… - Applied sciences, 2019 -
Biopolymers are materials synthesised or derived from natural sources, such as plants,
animals, microorganisms or any other living organism. The use of these polymers has grown …

Milk proteins as vehicles for bioactives

YD Livney - Current opinion in colloid & interface science, 2010 - Elsevier
Milk proteins are natural vehicles for bioactives. Many of their structural and
physicochemical properties facilitate their functionality in delivery systems. These properties …

Casein-based formulations as promising controlled release drug delivery systems

AO Elzoghby, WSA El-Fotoh, NA Elgindy - Journal of controlled release, 2011 - Elsevier
Casein, the major milk protein, forms an integral part of the daily diet in many parts of the
world. Casein possesses a number of interesting properties that make it a good candidate …

Casein nanomicelle as an emerging biomaterial—A comprehensive review

F Rehan, N Ahemad, M Gupta - Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2019 - Elsevier
Casein nanomicelles, a major fraction of milk protein, are emerging as a novel drug delivery
system owing to their various structural and functional properties. Casein is further divided …

Natural products: a minefield of biomaterials

OO Ige, LE Umoru, S Aribo - International Scholarly Research …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The development of natural biomaterials is not regarded as a new area of science, but has
existed for centuries. The use of natural products as a biomaterial is currently undergoing a …

Structure and mechanical properties of sodium and calcium caseinate edible active films with carvacrol

MP Arrieta, MA Peltzer, M del Carmen Garrigós… - Journal of Food …, 2013 - Elsevier
Edible active films based on sodium caseinate (SC) and calcium caseinate (CC) plasticized
with glycerol (G) at three different concentrations and carvacrol (CRV) as active agent were …

[HTML][HTML] Development and characterization of sodium caseinate based probiotic edible film with chia mucilage as a protectant for the safe delivery of probiotics in …

A Semwal, K Ambatipudi, NK Navani - Food Hydrocolloids for Health, 2022 - Elsevier
The probiotic edible film is a promising method to deliver the probiotics safely to exert their
health beneficial effects. However, supplementation with protectants is important for the …

Edible protein films: Sources and behavior

CL Murrieta‐Martínez, H Soto‐Valdez… - Packaging …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Edible and biodegradable films are made of renewable resources, offer an alternative to
synthetic plastics for packaging, and, unlike these, can be placed between phases in direct …