[HTML][HTML] Deconstructing Spanish prefixation

A Fábregas - Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2024 - glossa-journal.org
In this article, I argue that Spanish has three distinct classes of prefixes according to their
grammatical category: relational, adjectival and quantifier prefixes. The first are truncated …

Intensification in portuguese: A cross-dialectal study of muito and bem

C Lívio, C Howe - Hispania, 2020 - muse.jhu.edu
Intensifiers have been the focus of a number of studies over the past decade, with
considerable interest in their meaning and variability. Several scholars have discussed the …

El estudio del español a través de la lingüística románica comparativa mediante corpus

C Howe, C Lívio - Lingüística de corpus en español/The …, 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
A lo largo de la historia de la lingüística románica comparada, el estudio del español ha
jugado un papel importante en nuestra comprensión tanto de los fenómenos relevantes que …

Digital Approaches to Intensification in Portuguese and Spanish

CL Emídio - 2023 - search.proquest.com
This dissertation investigates the use and variation of intensifiers in Brazilian Portuguese
(BP) and Mexican Spanish (MS) using corpus linguistics methods and text mining …

[引用][C] Uma arquitetura de pré-processamento para análise de sentimento em mídias sociais em português brasileiro

DR CIRQUEIRA - 2018 - Universidade Federal do Pará