Shifting priorities of the EU as a development actor: Context and consequences

A Hadfield, S Lightfoot - Global Affairs, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT EU development policy conforms reliably to a stable and predictable policy-
cycle between 1957 until the early 2000s. After that, we see a shift towards more explicitly …

[PDF][PDF] Aid, exports and employment in the UK

M Mendez-Parra, DW te Velde - ODI Briefing Note. London: ODI (www. odi …, 2017 -
Conclusion The analysis suggests that there are direct benefits to the UK from the direct
bilateral aid it provides, in terms of UK jobs creation. That is, UK aid increases exports and …

[PDF][PDF] 자원배분의관점하의ODA 가수원국에미치는경제발전효과

임형록 - 유라시아연구, 2023 -
본 연구는 ODA 의 공여가 수원국의 경제규모 확장에 미치는 효과를 이론적으로 모델링 한 후
이를 실증적으로 검토하는 것으로 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 효용함수를 도입한 …

[PDF][PDF] Post-Brexit trade policy and development

M Mendez-Parra, DW te Velde, J Kennan - Current Developments, 2017 -
The UK will regain control over its trade policy when it leaves the EU. As it negotiates new
FTAs around the world, all of the UK's current and future trading partners should be assured …

[PDF][PDF] Principles, constraints and elements of a UK trade policy for developing countries

M Mendez-Parra - ODI Briefing Paper. London: Overseas Development …, 2016 -
Brexit has fundamental implications for policy design and implementation in the United
Kingdom (UK). It will lead to a new relationship with the European Union (EU), the UK's main …

[PDF][PDF] 14. Aid for Trade as a complement to a new UK trade policy

M Mendez-Parra, DW te Velde - The impact of the UK's post-Brexit trade …, 2016 -
The UK is a major provider of Aid for Trade (AfT) through bilateral, EU and multilateral
channels, bringing benefits to both developing countries and the UK. In the context of an …

[引用][C] KOICA 무상원조의국내수출및고용에미치는영향에관한연구: 패널중력모형분석을중심으로: 패널중력모형분석을중심으로

윤유리, 김효신 - 연구보고서, 2017 -
KOICA 무상원조의 국내 수출 및 고용에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: Page 1 KOICA 무상원조의
국내 수출 및 고용에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 패널 중력모형 분석을 중심으로 2017. 12 Page …