Who answers it better? an in-depth analysis of chatgpt and stack overflow answers to software engineering questions
Q&A platforms have been crucial for the online help-seeking behavior of programmers.
However, the recent popularity of ChatGPT is altering this trend. Despite this popularity, no …
However, the recent popularity of ChatGPT is altering this trend. Despite this popularity, no …
A survey of the use of crowdsourcing in software engineering
The term 'crowdsourcing'was initially introduced in 2006 to describe an emerging distributed
problem-solving model by online workers. Since then it has been widely studied and …
problem-solving model by online workers. Since then it has been widely studied and …
Augmenting API documentation with insights from stack overflow
C Treude, MP Robillard - … of the 38th International Conference on …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
Software developers need access to different kinds of information which is often dispersed
among different documentation sources, such as API documentation or Stack Overflow. We …
among different documentation sources, such as API documentation or Stack Overflow. We …
A survey on mining stack overflow: question and answering (Q&A) community
Purpose Software developers extensively use stack overflow (SO) for knowledge sharing on
software development. Thus, software engineering researchers have started mining the …
software development. Thus, software engineering researchers have started mining the …
Is stack overflow obsolete? an empirical study of the characteristics of chatgpt answers to stack overflow questions
Q&A platforms have been crucial for the online help-seeking behavior of programmers.
However, the recent popularity of ChatGPT is altering this trend. Despite this popularity, no …
However, the recent popularity of ChatGPT is altering this trend. Despite this popularity, no …
Query expansion based on crowd knowledge for code search
As code search is a frequent developer activity in software development practices, improving
the performance of code search is a critical task. In the text retrieval based search …
the performance of code search is a critical task. In the text retrieval based search …
What is the vocabulary of flaky tests?
Flaky tests are tests whose outcomes are non-deterministic. Despite the recent research
activity on this topic, no effort has been made on understanding the vocabulary of flaky tests …
activity on this topic, no effort has been made on understanding the vocabulary of flaky tests …
Staqc: A systematically mined question-code dataset from stack overflow
Stack Overflow (SO) has been a great source of natural language questions and their code
solutions (ie, question-code pairs), which are critical for many tasks including code retrieval …
solutions (ie, question-code pairs), which are critical for many tasks including code retrieval …
PostFinder: Mining Stack Overflow posts to support software developers
Context–During the development of complex software systems, programmers look for
external resources to understand better how to use specific APIs and to get advice related to …
external resources to understand better how to use specific APIs and to get advice related to …
Exploratory study of slack q&a chats as a mining source for software engineering tools
Modern software development communities are increasingly social. Popular chat platforms
such as Slack host public chat communities that focus on specific development topics such …
such as Slack host public chat communities that focus on specific development topics such …