[图书][B] Leichte Sprache für alle?: eine zielgruppenorientierte Rezeptionsstudie zu Leichter und Einfacher Sprache
S Gutermuth - 2020 - books.google.com
Was macht Leichte Sprache leicht? Wie erfolgreich sind neue Sprachvarietäten wie Leichte
Sprache und Einfache Sprache? Und wer kann von ihnen profitieren? Mit ihrer …
Sprache und Einfache Sprache? Und wer kann von ihnen profitieren? Mit ihrer …
The editor's invisibility: Analysing editorial intervention in translation
M Bisiada - Target, 2018 - jbe-platform.com
Most corpus-based studies of translation use published texts as the basis for their corpus.
This overlooks interventions by other agents involved in translation such as editors, who …
This overlooks interventions by other agents involved in translation such as editors, who …
[PDF][PDF] Universals of editing and translation
M Bisiada - Silvia Hansen-Schirra S, Czulo O, Hofmann S, editors …, 2017 - library.oapen.org
The notion of translation universals has been subject to debate for a long time (Baker 1993;
Chesterman 2004; Mauranen & Kujamäki 2004). Its status today is problematic (see House …
Chesterman 2004; Mauranen & Kujamäki 2004). Its status today is problematic (see House …
[PDF][PDF] Modellierung und Messung einfacher und leichter Sprache
S Hansen-Schirra, S Gutermuth - Barrieren abbauen, Sprache gestalten, 2018 - core.ac.uk
2.1 Abstract Die adressatenorientierte Vermittlung von Fachinhalten innerhalb einer
Sprache durch intralinguale Übersetzung gehört zu den konstanten Herausforderungen in …
Sprache durch intralinguale Übersetzung gehört zu den konstanten Herausforderungen in …
A cognitive perspective on equivalent effect: using eye tracking to measure equivalence in source text and target text cognitive effects on readers
C Walker - Perspectives, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Eye-tracking methods have long been used to explore cognitive processing in reading, but
the recent burgeoning of such methods in the field of translation studies has focused almost …
the recent burgeoning of such methods in the field of translation studies has focused almost …
[PDF][PDF] Empirische Überprüfung von Verständlichkeit
S Hansen-Schirra, S Gutermuth - Eds. CHRISTIANE MAAß, and …, 2019 - library.oapen.org
Bei der Produktion barrierefreier Texte geht es in erster Linie um die Optimierung der
Verständlichkeit für den Rezipienten/die Rezipientin. Für die Leichte Sprache gibt es …
Verständlichkeit für den Rezipienten/die Rezipientin. Für die Leichte Sprache gibt es …
Translation and editing: a study of editorial treatment of nominalisations in draft translations
M Bisiada - Perspectives, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Though editing and revising are integral parts of translation, their effects on the language of
the final translated text have scarcely been studied. The phenomena we observe in …
the final translated text have scarcely been studied. The phenomena we observe in …
Investigating how we read translations: A call to action for experimental studies of translation reception
C Walker - Cognitive Linguistic Studies, 2021 - jbe-platform.com
Abstract Since its inception, Translation Studies has hinged on theoretical concepts of
effects and reception, with various reader-oriented notions such as equivalent effect, skopos …
effects and reception, with various reader-oriented notions such as equivalent effect, skopos …
Translated language or edited language? A study of passive constructions in translation manuscripts and their published versions
M Bisiada - Across Languages and Cultures, 2019 - akjournals.com
Can translated language really be analysed based on published texts, given the many
agents that may influence the translator's work before publication? This article seeks to …
agents that may influence the translator's work before publication? This article seeks to …
Approaching Legal Multinomials from the Sociolinguistic Perspective–Insights into Authorship-Based Distinctions
E Więcławska - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law-Revue …, 2023 - Springer
The paper explores the hypothesis that multinomials can act as authorship-based style
distinguishing markers in legal communication. Specifically, the analysis focuses on …
distinguishing markers in legal communication. Specifically, the analysis focuses on …