Textbook and Curriculum Alignment

J Slisko - The International Handbook of Physics Education …, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
This chapter presents a literature review of different issues related to the complexities of
alignments between physics textbooks and physics curricula understood in their broadest …


D Cover, PTPPK Utama - researchgate.net
Thought Experiments (TEs) telah menarik perhatian banyak peneliti tidak hanya dalam
sejarah dan filsafat sains tetapi juga pendidikan sains. Sepanjang sejarah sains, ada …

[引用][C] How do Astrophysics and the Qur'an Perceive the Extraterrestrial Life? A Qualitative Study

SN Rahma, S Suliyanah, A Halim - Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika, 2022