Exploring the reasons for bank-switching behavior in retail banking

C Zhao, AHM Noman, K Asiaei - International Journal of Bank …, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose The development and maintenance of a long-term relationship with customers are
essential for banks to bolster their profits and thrive in a competitive environment. This study …

Lived experiences of multi-banked bank account holders with a focus on banks at Manda hill mall Lusaka, Zambia.

H Habanyati - 2022 - dspace.unza.zm
Multi-banking among bank account holders is a trend that has been on the rise in the recent
past. Even though most banks provide similar services, like money transfer, deposits, loans …

[PDF][PDF] Islamic Banking Implementation: Supportive Role of Business Service.

DK Mohanachandran, SG Normala - Jurnal Pengurusan, 2019 - researchgate.net
Islamic banking has advanced in the past four decades. It has become a worldwide brand,
cultured and structured industry. Nevertheless, Malaysia has witnessed low penetration of …

The role of e-banking on the switching behaviour of retail clients of commercial banks in Polokwane, South Africa

R Masocha, T Matiza - Journal of Economics and …, 2017 - ojs.amhinternational.com
This study focused on investigating the role of E-banking on the switching behaviour of retail
bank clients in Polokwane, South Africa. Recently, studies have shown that people are …

[PDF][PDF] Drivers of bank/branch switching intentional behaviour in retail banking: Evidence from Indian banking customers

PK Agarwal - Marketing and Consumer Research, 2019 - core.ac.uk
The purpose of this research was to identify and examine the factors that are significant
barriers to bank/branch switching in India from the retail customer's perspective. The …

BSI Mobile Adoption Process with Religiosity As a Moderation Variable

MH Yusron, RT Suryandari - European Journal of Business and …, 2022 - ejbmr.org
During a pandemic like today, new habits have emerged in society, one of which is
conducting financial transactions. The presence of Bank Syariah Indonesia is expected to …

Perilaku Switching pada Perbankan dalam Kajian Filsafat Ilmu

A Trisanty, M Harsono… - Jurnal Akuntansi dan Pajak, 2022 - jurnal.stie-aas.ac.id
This article describes the theoretical framework of the construct of switching behavior
through a philosophy of science approach. This theoretical framework describes switching …

The switching behavior determinants of sharia banking: roles of gender and education

S Siswanto, N Asnawi, R Safitri - Palarch's Journal of …, 2020 - repository.uin-malang.ac.id
This study aims to analyze the determinants of switching behavior of Sharia banking. The
primary data of study was derived from questionnaires. Using a random sampling technique …

A comparative study of retail banking practices in compliance with regulatory standard

S Mittal, KK Garg, R Aggarwal - Journal of Financial Crime, 2019 - emerald.com
Purpose The Indian banking industry has undergone many changes with the advent of
changing economic environment in the country. Many changes have taken place in terms of …

[PDF][PDF] Customers attitude towards emerging and established commercial banks in Bangladesh: an insight of client perception

I Mahal, S Munira, B Rahman - Cost and Management, 2021 - icmab.org.bd
Bank is one of the most important sectors of the world economy and especially in a
developing country like Bangladesh. In our day-to-day transactions, bank plays significant …