On approximate symmetry and approximate solutions of the nonlinear wave equation with a small parameter

WI Fushchich, WM Shtelen - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical …, 1989 - iopscience.iop.org
The concept of approximate symmetry is introduced. The authors describe all nonlinearities
F (u) with which the nonlinear wave equation Square Operator u+ lambda u 3+ epsilon F …

Conditional symmetry of the equations of nonlinear mathematical physics

VI Fushchich - Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 1991 - Springer
We present a survey of results regarding the investigation of the conditions of the symmetry
of nonlinear equations of mathematical and theoretical physics: the wave equation, the …

Conditional invariance and exact solutions of the nonlinear equation

NI Serov - Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 1990 - Springer
Conditional invariance and exact solutions of the nonlinear equation Page 1 II ~ (~) II Re -t~-a'4Mw~+~c''+rl~x"~"-~
11 So (8) I1 (32) for all x10. We assume that g0 and d are so small that 4A4 V~d + ~ (8) + II H …

Conditional symmetry and reduction of partial differential equations

VL Fushchich, RZ Zhdanov - Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 1992 - Springer
Sufficient reduction conditions for partial differential equations possessing nontrivial
conditional symmetry are established. The results obtained generalize the classical …

General solutions of the nonlinear wave equation and of the eikonal equation

VI Fushchich, RZ Zhdanov, IV Revenko - Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 1991 - Springer
A constructive method is given for the integration of the overdetermined system of nonlinear
d'Alembert wave and eikonal equations□ u= F 1 (u), u xµ u xµ= F 2 (u). With the aid of this …

Differential invariants, hidden and conditional symmetry

IA Yehorchenko - Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2022 - Springer
We present a survey of development of the concept of hidden symmetry in the field of partial
differential equations, including a series of results previously obtained by the author. We …

Symmetry and non-Lie reduction of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation

VI Fushchich, VI Chopik - Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 1993 - Springer
Symmetry and non-lie reduction of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation Page 1

Maximal subalgebras of rank n− 1 of the algebra AP (1, n) and reduction of nonlinear wave equations. I

VI Fushchich, AF Barannik - Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 1990 - Springer
The concept of canonical decomposition of an arbitrary subalgebra of the algebra AO (1, n)
is introduced. With the help of this decomposition all maximal subalgebras L of rank n− 1 of …

Group classification of quasilinear elliptic-type equations. II. Invariance under solvable Lie algebras

VI Lahno, SV Spichak - Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2011 - go.gale.com
We study the problem of group classification of quasilinear elliptic equations in a two-
dimensional space. The list of all equations of this type admitting solvable Lie algebras of …

Symmetry analysis and exact solutions of one class of (1+ 3)-dimensional boundary-value problems of the Stefan type

SS Kovalenko - arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.8367, 2014 - arxiv.org
We present the group classification of one class of (1+ 3)-dimensional nonlinear boundary-
value problems of the Stefan type that simulate the processes of melting and evaporation of …