Detecting forest response to droughts with global observations of vegetation water content
Droughts in a warming climate have become more common and more extreme, making
understanding forest responses to water stress increasingly pressing. Analysis of water …
understanding forest responses to water stress increasingly pressing. Analysis of water …
Confronting the water potential information gap
Water potential directly controls the function of leaves, roots and microbes, and gradients in
water potential drive water flows throughout the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum …
water potential drive water flows throughout the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum …
Validation of soil moisture data products from the NASA SMAP mission
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP)
mission has been validating its soil moisture (SM) products since the start of data production …
mission has been validating its soil moisture (SM) products since the start of data production …
Opportunities, challenges and pitfalls in characterizing plant water‐use strategies
Classifying the diverse ways that plants respond to hydrologic stress into generalizable
'water‐use strategies' has long been an eco‐physiological research goal. While many …
'water‐use strategies' has long been an eco‐physiological research goal. While many …
Water deficit and storm disturbances co-regulate Amazon rainforest seasonality
Canopy leaf abundance of Amazon rainforests increases in the dry season but decreases in
the wet season, contrary to earlier expectations of water stress adversely affecting plant …
the wet season, contrary to earlier expectations of water stress adversely affecting plant …
Global ecosystem-scale plant hydraulic traits retrieved using model–data fusion
Droughts are expected to become more frequent and severe under climate change,
increasing the need for accurate predictions of plant drought response. This response varies …
increasing the need for accurate predictions of plant drought response. This response varies …
When do plant hydraulics matter in terrestrial biosphere modelling?
The ascent of water from the soil to the leaves of vascular plants, described by the study of
plant hydraulics, regulates ecosystem responses to environmental forcing and recovery from …
plant hydraulics, regulates ecosystem responses to environmental forcing and recovery from …
Estimating leaf moisture content at global scale from passive microwave satellite observations of vegetation optical depth
The moisture content of vegetation canopies controls various ecosystem processes such as
plant productivity, transpiration, mortality, and flammability. Leaf moisture content (here …
plant productivity, transpiration, mortality, and flammability. Leaf moisture content (here …
Remote sensing of instantaneous drought stress at canopy level using sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and canopy reflectance
Climate change amplifies the intensity and occurrence of dry periods leading to drought
stress in vegetation. For monitoring vegetation stresses, sun-induced chlorophyll …
stress in vegetation. For monitoring vegetation stresses, sun-induced chlorophyll …
Utility of L-band and X-band vegetation optical depth to examine vegetation response to soil moisture droughts in South Asia
P Konkathi, L Karthikeyan - Remote Sensing of Environment, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Vegetation Water Content (VWC) holds essential information about plant
photosynthetic activity, phenological changes, ability to withstand extreme events, and soil …
photosynthetic activity, phenological changes, ability to withstand extreme events, and soil …