The shape of things to come: Topological data analysis and biology, from molecules to organisms
Shape is data and data is shape. Biologists are accustomed to thinking about how the shape
of biomolecules, cells, tissues, and organisms arise from the effects of genetics …
of biomolecules, cells, tissues, and organisms arise from the effects of genetics …
Distance distributions and inverse problems for metric measure spaces
Applications in data science, shape analysis, and object classification frequently require
comparison of probability distributions defined on different ambient spaces. To accomplish …
comparison of probability distributions defined on different ambient spaces. To accomplish …
Reconstructing embedded graphs from persistence diagrams
The persistence diagram (PD) is an increasingly popular topological descriptor. By encoding
the size and prominence of topological features at varying scales, the PD provides important …
the size and prominence of topological features at varying scales, the PD provides important …
The weighted Euler curve transform for shape and image analysis
Abstract The Euler Curve Transform (ECT) of Turner et al. is a complete invariant of an
embedded simplicial complex, which is amenable to statistical analysis. We generalize the …
embedded simplicial complex, which is amenable to statistical analysis. We generalize the …
[HTML][HTML] The fiber of persistent homology for simplicial complexes
J Leygonie, U Tillmann - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2022 - Elsevier
We study the inverse problem for persistent homology: For a fixed simplicial complex K, we
analyze the fiber of the continuous map PH on the space of filters that assigns to a filter f: K→ …
analyze the fiber of the continuous map PH on the space of filters that assigns to a filter f: K→ …
[图书][B] Searching and reconstruction: algorithms with topological descriptors
SA Micka - 2020 -
Topological data analysis and, more specifically, persistent homology have received
significant attention as a method of describing the shape of complex data. Persistent …
significant attention as a method of describing the shape of complex data. Persistent …
Algorithmic reconstruction of the fiber of persistent homology on cell complexes
J Leygonie, G Henselman-Petrusek - Journal of Applied and …, 2024 - Springer
Let K be a finite simplicial, cubical, delta or CW complex. The persistence map PH takes a
filter f: K→ R as input and returns the barcodes of the sublevel set persistent homology of f in …
filter f: K→ R as input and returns the barcodes of the sublevel set persistent homology of f in …
Convolutional persistence transforms
YE Solomon, P Bendich - Journal of Applied and Computational Topology, 2024 - Springer
In this paper, we consider topological featurizations of data defined over simplicial
complexes, like images and labeled graphs, obtained by convolving this data with various …
complexes, like images and labeled graphs, obtained by convolving this data with various …
[PDF][PDF] Distance distributions and inverse problems for metric measure spaces
Applications in data science, shape analysis and object classification frequently require
comparison of probability distributions defined on different ambient spaces. To accomplish …
comparison of probability distributions defined on different ambient spaces. To accomplish …
[PDF][PDF] Differential and fiber of persistent homology
J Leygonie - 2022 -
This thesis is concerned with the following two naive questions about the widely used
Persistent Homology1 (PH) descriptor for data analysis: 1 Persistent Homology [EH08 …
Persistent Homology1 (PH) descriptor for data analysis: 1 Persistent Homology [EH08 …