[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of the Visual Comfort and Daylight Performance of the Visual Art Classrooms

A Yunitsyna, A Toska - Journal of Daylighting, 2023 - solarlits.com
The daylight in classrooms is a crucial aspect that affects the quality of the learning
environment and the overall performance of the students. Visual arts, such as painting …

Daylighting performance of high school learning environment in tropics

NT Al-Ashwal, AS Hassan… - Journal of Green …, 2023 - meridian.allenpress.com
The quality of the indoor environment, including the lighting conditions, is crucial in
classrooms as it directly affects students' learning performance and productivity. Natural light …

[图书][B] Pengantar Ilmu Arsitektur

A Abdullah, CA Amal, EE Supar, A Indrayuni, S Latif… - 2024 - books.google.com
Defenisi Arsitektur dapat di tinjau dari 2 sudut yaitu secara terminologi dan secara etimologi.
Secara etimologi Menurut budiharjo dalam bukunya Kata Arsitektur berasal dari bahasa …

Students' Perception of the Natural Daylighting in Higher Education Design Studios

MA Othman, MFM Yasin, AM Ajis… - … Journal of Business …, 2023 - myjms.mohe.gov.my
An energy-efficient and environmentally friendly building are key to establishing green
buildings. Both key concepts are predominantly significant in today's sustainable …

Visual Comfort Assesment of Visual Performance and Perception in Office Workspace in Indonesia

N Jamala, R Mulyadi, T Ishak, Y Ramadhanti… - Available at SSRN … - papers.ssrn.com
Visual comfort is related to visual performance and visual perception, especially in office
workspaces. Visual performance is related to desktop illuminance, because the activities in …

[PDF][PDF] Studi “Daylight Comfort” untuk Bangunan Pendidikan yang Berkelanjutan

I Idrus, S Zainuddin - Jurnal Linears, 2021 - academia.edu
Bangunan berkelanjutan adalah suatu prinsip arsitektur yang berupaya meminimalkan
dampak negatif lingkungan bangunan dengan efisiensi dan moderasi dalam penggunaan …

[PDF][PDF] Évaluation post-occupationnelle de la qualité de l'éclairage dans les salles de classes.

Les résultats obtenus montrent que l'orientation et la configuration des ouvertures des salles
de classe affectent l'éclairage naturel à l'intérieur de ces espaces, cela a été observé durant …