The role of green marketing in creating a sustainable competitive advantage
A Pacevičiūtė… - Regional formation and …, 2023 -
Abstract [eng] Due to growing environmental concerns, green marketing has become
increasingly important in meeting consumer demand and improving a brand's image and …
increasingly important in meeting consumer demand and improving a brand's image and …
[PDF][PDF] The relationship between CRM strategies stage on competitive advantage: An analytical perspective
W Hadi - International Journal of Business and …, 2015 -
Due to the fast growth of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies
revolution, the organizations begin thinking of how to develop their process. In this way …
revolution, the organizations begin thinking of how to develop their process. In this way …
[PDF][PDF] Interior design marketing strategy using SWOT analysis
N Wahyuni, SK Anggraeni… - Journal Industrial …, 2022 -
The Covid pandemic has been successfully overcome. Estimates of the weak world
economy have also been predicted. However, it is noted that the need for housing continues …
economy have also been predicted. However, it is noted that the need for housing continues …
[PDF][PDF] Managing the salesforce for competitiveness: experience from insurance firms in Port Harcourt
BW Ateke, SE Kalu - Ilorin Journal of Marketing, 2016 -
To remain competitive in the marketplace is a strategic goal of firms. Firms thus manage their
resources in ways that enable them to achieve this all important goal because …
resources in ways that enable them to achieve this all important goal because …
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Approach to Sustainability through Competitive Advantage
Abstract Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has progressed from being just a
business strategy to a more comprehensive approach that includes sustainability practices …
business strategy to a more comprehensive approach that includes sustainability practices …
[PDF][PDF] A Qualitative Analysis of Consumer's Willingness to Participate in a Green Loyalty Program
A SCHMIDT - 2023 -
The tendency of sustainable consumption is evident in modern society. Despite the fact that
consumers are environmentally concerned, they seldom convert their intentions into a …
consumers are environmentally concerned, they seldom convert their intentions into a …
Online shopping behavior in offline retail stores: strategic value for companies?
JPS Ferreira - 2015 -
In a world where e-tailing and traditional in-store shopping live together and complement
each other in several shopping activities (Chu, et. al, 2010), little is known about the …
each other in several shopping activities (Chu, et. al, 2010), little is known about the …
[PDF][PDF] Influence of Managerial Networking on Competitive Advantage in Medium and Large Garment Companies in Kenya
AM Mwendwa, R Atikiya -
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of managerial networking on
competitive advantage in medium and large garment companies in Kenya. Using across …
competitive advantage in medium and large garment companies in Kenya. Using across …
A Wardhana -
Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena atas berkat dan
rahmat-Nya, penulis dapat menyelesaikan buku ini. Penulisan buku merupakan buah karya …
rahmat-Nya, penulis dapat menyelesaikan buku ini. Penulisan buku merupakan buah karya …
[PDF][PDF] Influence of Knowledge Management on Competitive Advantage in Medium and Large Garment Companies in Kenya
AM Mwendwa -
This study sought to establish the influence of knowledge management on competitive
advantage in medium and large garment companies in Kenya. A cross-sectional survey …
advantage in medium and large garment companies in Kenya. A cross-sectional survey …