Our future: a Lancet commission on adolescent health and wellbeing

GC Patton, SM Sawyer, JS Santelli, DA Ross, R Afifi… - The Lancet, 2016 - thelancet.com
Executive summary Unprecedented global forces are shaping the health and wellbeing of
the largest generation of 10 to 24 year olds in human history. Population mobility, global …

Prevention of violence against women and girls: what does the evidence say?

M Ellsberg, DJ Arango, M Morton, F Gennari… - The lancet, 2015 - thelancet.com
In this Series paper, we review evidence for interventions to reduce the prevalence and
incidence of violence against women and girls. Our reviewed studies cover a broad range of …

[图书][B] Global status report on violence prevention 2014

World Health Organization - 2014 - apps.who.int
Violence shatters lives. Around the world almost half a million people are murdered each
year. Beyond these deaths, millions more children, women and men suffer from the …

Engaging men and boys in violence prevention

M Flood - Men, masculinities and intimate partner violence, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Efforts to engage men and boys in preventing men's violence against women are gaining
momentum around the world. Men and boys are becoming involved as participants in …

A meta-analysis of school-based interventions aimed to prevent or reduce violence in teen dating relationships

L De La Rue, JR Polanin… - Review of …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
The incidence of violence in dating relationships has a significant impact on young people,
including decreased mental and physical health. This review is the first to provide a …

Parental alienating behaviors: An unacknowledged form of family violence.

JJ Harman, E Kruk, DA Hines - Psychological bulletin, 2018 - psycnet.apa.org
Despite affecting millions of families around the world, parental alienation has been largely
unacknowledged or denied by legal and health professionals as a form of family violence …

[图书][B] eLearning for undergraduate health professional education: a systematic review informing a radical transformation of health workforce development

World Health Organization - 2015 - apps.who.int
for undergraduate health professional education Page 1 ele arn ing for undergraduate
health professional education A systematic review informing a radical transformation of …

[图书][B] Preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women: Taking action and generating evidence

World Health Organization - 2010 - apps.who.int
Executive summary Intimate partner and sexual violence affect a large proportion of the
population–with the majority of those directly experiencing such violence being women and …

Factors influencing attitudes to violence against women

M Flood, B Pease - Trauma, violence, & abuse, 2009 - journals.sagepub.com
Attitudes toward men's violence against women shape both the perpetration of violence
against women and responses to this violence by the victim and others around her. For …

Children's exposure to intimate partner violence: An overview

JR McTavish, JCD MacGregor, CN Wathen… - International review of …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Children's exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) is associated with significant
emotional impairment and other harmful effects. It is increasingly recognized as a type of …