[图书][B] Transactional memory

T Harris, JR Larus, R Rajwar - 2010 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Many of the challenges in building shared-memory data structures stem from needing to
update several memory locations at once—eg, updating four pointers to insert an item into a …

Adaptive transaction scheduling for transactional memory systems

RM Yoo, HHS Lee - Proceedings of the twentieth annual symposium on …, 2008 - dl.acm.org
Transactional memory systems are expected to enable parallel programming at lower
programming complexity, while delivering improved performance over traditional lock-based …

Flexible decoupled transactional memory support

A Shriraman, S Dwarkadas, ML Scott - ACM SIGARCH Computer …, 2008 - dl.acm.org
A high-concurrency transactional memory (TM) implementation needs to track concurrent
accesses, buffer speculative updates, and manage conflicts. We present a system, FlexTM …

Why STM can be more than a research toy

A Dragojević, P Felber, V Gramoli… - Communications of the …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
Why STM can be more than a research toy Page 1 70 CommuniCations oF the aCm | APRIL
2011 | vOL. 54 | nO. 4 contributed articles whILE muLTIcoRE ARchITEcTuRES are increasingly …

Transactional memory with strong atomicity using off-the-shelf memory protection hardware

M Abadi, T Harris, M Mehrara - Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGPLAN …, 2009 - dl.acm.org
This paper introduces a new way to provide strong atomicity in an implementation of
transactional memory. Strong atomicity lets us offer clear semantics to programs, even if they …

Mechanism to support flexible decoupled transactional memory

S Dwarkadas, A Shriraman, M Scott - US Patent 8,661,204, 2014 - Google Patents
The present invention employs three decoupled hardware mechanisms: read and write
signatures, which summarize per-thread access sets; per-thread conflict summary tables …

A study of transactional memory vs. locks in practice

V Pankratius, AR Adl-Tabatabai - Proceedings of the twenty-third annual …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
Transactional Memory (TM) promises to simplify parallel programming by replacing locks
with atomic transactions. Despite much recent progress in TM research, there is very little …

Optimistic parallelism benefits from data partitioning

M Kulkarni, K Pingali, G Ramanarayanan… - ACM SIGOPS …, 2008 - dl.acm.org
Recent studies of irregular applications such as finite-element mesh generators and data-
clustering codes have shown that these applications have a generalized data parallelism …

Parallel geometric algorithms for multi-core computers

VHF Batista, DL Millman, S Pion, J Singler - Proceedings of the twenty …, 2009 - dl.acm.org
Computers with multiple processor cores using shared memory are now ubiquitous. In this
paper, we present several parallel geometric algorithms that specifically target this …

Quaketm: parallelizing a complex sequential application using transactional memory

V Gajinov, F Zyulkyarov, OS Unsal, A Cristal… - Proceedings of the 23rd …, 2009 - dl.acm.org
" Is transactional memory useful?" is the question that cannot be answered until we provide
substantial applications that can evaluate its capabilities. While existing TM applications can …