[PDF][PDF] Welfare assessments with heterogeneous individuals

E Dávila, A Schaab - 2022 - aeaweb.org
This paper develops a new approach to make welfare assessments based on the notion of
Dynamic Stochastic weights, or DS-weights for short. We leverage DS-weights to …

Optimal paternalistic savings policies

C Moser, P Olea de Souza e Silva - Columbia Business School …, 2019 - papers.ssrn.com
We study optimal savings policies when there is a dual concern about undersaving for
retirement and income inequality. Agents differ in present bias and earnings ability, both …

[HTML][HTML] Rehabilitation and social behavior: Experiments in prison

L Balafoutas, A García-Gallego, N Georgantzis… - Games and Economic …, 2020 - Elsevier
Despite the economic and social significance of crime reduction and criminals' rehabilitation,
research evaluating the effects of incarceration on behavior is surprisingly scarce. We …

Graph theory based shipboard power system expansion strategy for enhanced resilience

K Lai, MS Illindala - IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The next-generation ships are geared to more electrification than ever before. In an all-
electric ship, the design and planning of a shipboard power system (SPS) is critical for …

Government failure-o źródłach zawodności sektora publicznego we wdrażaniu gospodarki cyrkularnej

J Adamus, J Chądzyński, J Trippner-Hrabi - Studia z Polityki Publicznej …, 2024 - ceeol.com
The European policy is dedicated to achieving sustainable development goals through in-
tensified activities. One such area of focus is the adoption of the circular economy model …

A case for incomplete markets

L Blume, T Cogley, D Easley, T Sargent, V Tsyrennikov - 2015 - irihs.ihs.ac.at
We propose a new welfare criterion that allows us to rank alternative financial market
structures in the presence of belief heterogeneity. We analyze economies with complete and …

[HTML][HTML] Opportunity and inequality across generations

W Koeniger, C Zanella - Journal of Public Economics, 2022 - Elsevier
We analyze how intergenerational mobility and inequality would change relative to the
status quo if dynasties had access to optimal insurance against low ability of future …

Malthusian stagnation is efficient

JC Córdoba, X Liu - Theoretical Economics, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
This article studies socially optimal allocations, from the point of view of a benevolent social
planner, in environments characterized by fixed resources, endogenous fertility, and full …

Lost in transition? Market failure in the implementation of the circular economy. A comparative analysis of the Netherlands and Poland

J Adamus, J Chądzyński, J Trippner‑Hrabi - 2024 - ceeol.com
It is necessary for economies to transition to a circular economy (CE). What particularly
inhibits the implementation of the CE in linear economies is market failures, whose …

Zagubieni w okresie przejściowym? Zawodności rynku we wdrażaniu gospodarki cyrkularnej. Analiza porównawcza Niderlandów i Polski

J Adamus, J Chądzyński… - Comparative Economic …, 2024 - search.proquest.com
Obecnie transformacja gospodarek w kierunku obiegu zamkniętego i cyrkularności jest
koniecznością. Tym, co szczególnie hamuje wdrażanie gospodarki cyrkularnej w …