Event detection on twitter by mapping unexpected changes in streaming data into a spatiotemporal lattice

Z Shah, AG Dunn - IEEE transactions on big data, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Many applications seek to make sense of high volume streaming data from social media by
identifying spatiotemporal patterns. Events, representing topics that emerge and decay over …

Task-oriented analysis and visualization of correlation patterns in multi-sensor time series

J Sun, X Li, Y Jin, L Dai, X Peng, C Chen - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2024 - Elsevier
Time series data are usually collected through instruments equipped with sensors. For multi-
sensor time series (MSTS), it is crucial to identify the factors that affect tasks such as …

Normalising inhomogeneities in geo-social media data–a comparison of different measures

E Hauthal, S Mukherjee, D Burghardt - Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2024 - Springer
Geo-social media data involve various kinds of inhomogeneities. These can concern,
amongst others, the users, but also spatial distributions or the fact that the most frequently …

Characterizing popularity dynamics of hot topics using micro-blogs spatio-temporal data

L Wu, J Li, J Qi - Journal of Big Data, 2019 - Springer
In this paper, a quantitative temporal and spatial analysis of the dynamics of hot topics
popularity in Micro-blogging system was provided. Firstly, the popularity time series of 1167 …

Visualizing multidimensional lifelogging data: a case study on MyMovieHistory Project

M Hong, JJ Jung - Cybernetics and Systems, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A large amount of time-series data has been frequently used to extract the
useful patterns and trends and to visualize them for better understanding. This work is …

[PDF][PDF] Détection d'événements géo-chrono-localisés dans les tweets

S DESPRES - 2020 - theses.fr
Résumé La détection d'événements à partir de textes est un défi encore aujourd'hui. En
effet, les sources de données textuelles sont plus diversifiées avec les nouvelles …