Exchange rate predictability

B Rossi - Journal of economic literature, 2013 -
The main goal of this article is to provide an answer to the question: does anything forecast
exchange rates, and if so, which variables? It is well known that exchange rate fluctuations …

Exchange rates and interest parity

C Engel - Handbook of international economics, 2014 - Elsevier
This chapter surveys recent theoretical and empirical contributions on foreign exchange rate
determination. The chapter first examines monetary models under uncovered interest parity …

Exchange rates, interest rates, and the risk premium

C Engel - American Economic Review, 2016 -
The uncovered interest parity puzzle concerns the empirical regularity that high interest rate
countries tend to have high expected returns on short term deposits. A separate puzzle is …

Exchange rate models are not as bad as you think [with comments and discussion]

C Engel, NC Mark, KD West… - NBER …, 2007 -
Standard models of exchange rates, based on macroeconomic variables such as prices,
interest rates, output, and so forth, are thought by many researchers to have failed …

Out-of-sample exchange rate predictability with Taylor rule fundamentals

T Molodtsova, DH Papell - Journal of international economics, 2009 - Elsevier
An extensive literature that studied the performance of empirical exchange rate models
following Meese and Rogoff's [Meese, RA, Rogoff, K., 1983a. Empirical Exchange Rate …

Factor model forecasts of exchange rates

C Engel, NC Mark, KD West - Econometric Reviews, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
We construct factors from a cross-section of exchange rates and use the idiosyncratic
deviations from the factors to forecast. In a stylized data generating process, we show that …

Frontiers of macrofinancial linkages

S Claessens, MA Kose - BIS Paper, 2018 -
Abstract The Great Financial Crisis of 2007-09 confirmed the vital importance of advancing
our understanding of macrofinancial linkages, the two-way interactions between the real …

Currency value

L Menkhoff, L Sarno, M Schmeling… - The Review of …, 2017 -
We assess the properties of currency value strategies based on real exchange rates. We
find that real exchange rates have predictive power for the cross-section of currency excess …

Exchange rate and inflation under weak monetary policy: Turkey verifies theory

RS Gürkaynak, B Kısacıkoğlu, SS Lee - Economic Policy, 2023 -
For the academic audience, this paper presents the outcome of a well-identified, large
change in the monetary policy rule from the lens of a standard New Keynesian model and …

Changing monetary policy rules, learning, and real exchange rate dynamics

NC Mark - Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
When the exchange rate is priced by uncovered interest parity and central banks set
nominal interest rates according to a reaction function such as the Taylor rule, the real …