Determinants of financial inclusion in Africa: A dynamic panel data approach

O Evans - 2016 -
This study documents the determinants of financial inclusion in Africa for the period 2005 to
2014, using the dynamic panel data approach. The study finds that per capita income, broad …

The effects of economic and financial development on financial inclusion in Africa

O Evans - 2015 -
This study provides empirical evidence on the effects of economic and financial
development on financial inclusion in Africa, using panel FMOLS for the 2005-2014 period …

Financialisation: Measurement, Driving Forces and Consequences

IA Moosa - 2023 -
This timely book explores the measurement and consequences of financialisation, as well
as its driving forces, to take a fresh look at reconciling the twin concepts of financialisation …

Financial deepening indicators and economic growth in Nigeria: A causality and impact analysis

I Okafor, J Onwumere… - Asian Journal of …, 2016 -
This paper is a causality and impact study on financial deepening and economic growth in
Nigeria for a-33-year period covering 1981–2013. The study used the Phillips-Peron test for …

[PDF][PDF] The relationship between financial deepening and economic growth: Bootstrap causality approach for the selected upper middle income countries

MA Gezer - Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2018 -
This paper investigates the causal relationship between financial deepening and economic
growth for fourteen upper middle income countries for the period during 1987-2015. Broad …

On the relationship between financial integration, financial liberalization and macroeconomic volatility

R Mirdala, A Svrceková, J Semancıková - MPRA Paper, 2015 -
Effects of international financial integration on the volatility of the total output and its main
components have been a subject of rigorous academic discussion for decades. Even …


S ŞAHİN - Business & Management Studies: An International …, 2020 -
Özet Kamu yatırımları için önemli bir kaynak olma özelliğini taşıyan vergi gelirleri ile finansal
gelişmenin alt boyutlarından birisi olarak nitelendirilebilecek olan finansal derinleşme …

Finansal Derinleşmenin Borsa İstanbul Teknoloji Sektöründe Yer Alan Firmaların Katma Değerine Etkisi: 2012-2020

S Akar, A Karavardar - İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023 -
Amaç–İşletmelerin temel amacı işletmenin piyasa değerini maksimum düzeye çıkarmaktır.
Bu çalışmada finansal piyasaların gelişmişliğini ölçen finansal derinleşmenin değer temelli …

[PDF][PDF] Empirical analysis of the impact of financial deepening on economic growth in emerging economies: Nigeria in focus

N Paul - Journal of Finance, Banking and Investment, 2017 -
This study sets out to examine the impact of financial deepening on economic growth in
Nigeria, using data from secondary sources,(1986-2015). The ordinary Least Square (OLS) …

The nexus of financial deepening, economic growth, and poverty: The case of Pakistan

AR Aleemi, M Azam - Business Review, 2015 -
This study investigates the nexus of financial development, economic growth, and poverty
for Pakistan over a prolonged period of time, 1960-2012. Autoregressive Distributed Lag …