A review of nanowire growth promoted by alloys and non-alloying elements with emphasis on Au-assisted III–V nanowires

KA Dick - Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of …, 2008 - Elsevier
Seed particles of elements or compounds which may or may not form alloys are now used
extensively in promoting well-controlled nanowire growth. The technology has evolved …

Nano-and microstructuring of solids by swift heavy ions

FF Komarov - Physics-Uspekhi, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
We review the current stage of research of track formation processes and mechanisms in
materials irradiated by swift ions. We show that the nature and morphology of tracks depend …

Cu3-xP Nanocrystals as a Material Platform for Near-Infrared Plasmonics and Cation Exchange Reactions

L De Trizio, R Gaspari, G Bertoni, I Kriegel… - Chemistry of …, 2015 - ACS Publications
Synthesis approaches to colloidal Cu3P nanocrystals (NCs) have been recently developed,
and their optical absorption features in the near-infrared (NIR) have been interpreted as …

A plane-wave pseudopotential study on III–V zinc-blende and wurtzite semiconductors under pressure

SQ Wang, HQ Ye - Journal of physics: condensed matter, 2002 - iopscience.iop.org
The results of a plane-wave pseudopotential study on the mechanical and electronic
properties of twelve III–V zinc-blende (ZB) and wurtzite (WZ) semiconductors under pressure …

Effect of high electronic energy deposition in semiconductors

W Wesch, A Kamarou, E Wendler - … Methods in Physics Research Section B …, 2004 - Elsevier
Track formation due to high electronic energy deposition during swift heavy ion irradiation is
well known in insulating materials as well as in some intermetallic compounds and metals …

Defect and track formation in solids irradiated by superhigh-energy ions

FF Komarov - Physics-Uspekhi, 2003 - iopscience.iop.org
The state-of-the-art of research into processes and mechanisms of defect and track
formation in materials irradiated by fast ions is reviewed. It is shown that the nature and …

Дефектообразование и трекообразование в твердых телах при облучении ионами сверхвысоких энергий

ФФ Комаров - Успехи физических наук, 2003 - mathnet.ru
ФФКомаров, “Дефектообразование и трекообразование в твердых телах при облучении
ионами сверхвысоких энергий”, УФН, 173:12 (2003), 1287–1318; Phys. Usp., 46:12 (2003) …

Damage evolution and amorphization in semiconductors under ion irradiation

W Wesch, E Wendler, CS Schnohr - … in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2012 - Elsevier
The interaction of energetic ions with crystalline semiconductors may cause defect formation
and amorphization both by nuclear and electronic energy deposition which occur …

Нано-и микроструктурирование твёрдых тел быстрыми тяжёлыми ионами

ФФ Комаров - Успехи физических наук, 2017 - ufn.ru
Приведён анализ современного состояния исследований процессов и механизмов
трекообразования при облучении материалов быстрыми ионами. Показано, что …

Directed growth of branched nanowire structures

KA Dick, K Deppert, LS Karlsson, MW Larsson… - MRS bulletin, 2007 - cambridge.org
We describe the production of hierarchical branched nanowire structures by the sequential
seeding of multiple wire generations with metal nanoparticles. Such complex structures …