The role of parent-child relationship, self-esteem, academic self-efficacy to academic stress

S Mulyadi, W Rahardjo, AMH Basuki - Procedia-social and behavioral …, 2016 - Elsevier
Homeschooling students can experience academic stress. Parent-child relationship, self-
esteem, and also academic self-efficacy are assumed as factors influencing the academic …

Coping with infidelity: The moderating role of self-esteem

MR Shrout, DJ Weigel - Personality and individual differences, 2020 - Elsevier
Infidelity is one of the most damaging events individuals face in relationships. Given that a
partner's infidelity poses serious threats to emotional and mental health, it is critical to …

The influence of time pressure on translation trainees' performance: Testing the relationship between self-esteem, salivary cortisol and subjective stress response

AM Rojo López, P Cifuentes Férez, L Espín López - PloS one, 2021 -
Translators face hectic daily schedules with deadlines they must duly meet. As trainees they
receive tuition on how to work swiftly to meet them efficiently. But despite the prominent role …

La autoestima como variable protectora del burnout en estudiantes de fisioterapia

RG Cabanach, RF Cervantes, AJS Gestal… - Estudios sobre …, 2016 -
En los últimos años existe un creciente interés por determinar los factores que inciden en el
origen y el mantenimiento del burnout académico. En este contexto, en el presente trabajo …

Subjective socioeconomic status moderates self-esteem reactivity to daily stressor exposure: Evidence from a daily diary approach

YJ Chua, NM Majeed, VYQ Lua… - Psychological …, 2023 -
Research on self-esteem reactivity has demonstrated that self-esteem fluctuates in response
to daily stressor exposure, and the strength of this relationship varies between individuals …


王妍, 杨娟 - 心理科学进展, 2015 -
心理性应激是个体的内稳态受到社会心理威胁时候的状态. 面对急性心理性应激源,
有机体的各大机能系统, 包括神经内分泌系统, 免疫系统以及自主神经系统等 …

Internal but not external locus of control predicts acute stress response

L Zhan, L Lin, X Wang, J Zhang, L Zhang - Psychophysiology, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Fluctuation patterns of physiological response after acute stress might indicate one's coping
potential with stress, yet this relationship has not been widely examined. The present study …

Reduced cortisol response to traumatic images, self-esteem and stress levels in emergency medical technicians from the red cross

AR Reyes-Mota, AL Cerda-Molina… - Personality and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Emergency Medical Technicians are health professionals commonly exposed to
dangerous traumatic scenarios which can lead to an altered hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal …

中国大学生自尊变迁的横断历史研究: 1993~ 2013

沙晶莹, 张向葵 - 心理科学进展, 2016 -
本研究对1993 年至2013 年间83 项采用Rosenberg 自尊量表测量中国大学生自尊的研究进行
横断历史元分析, 考察我国大学生(被试为48384 人) 的自尊水平在这20 年间的变化趋势 …

How independence and interdependence moderate the self-congruity effect on brand attitude: a study of east and west

H Gonzalez-Jimenez, F Fastoso, K Fukukawa - Journal of Business …, 2019 - Elsevier
Despite a substantial body of self-congruity (SC) research (cf. Aguirre-Rodriguez, Bosnjak, &
Sirgy, 2012) two important questions remain open: First, does the SC effect apply beyond …