Little strings, long strings, and fuzzballs

EJ Martinec, S Massai, D Turton - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019 - Springer
A bstract At high energy densities, fivebranes are populated by a Hagedorn phase of so-
called little strings, whose statistical mechanics underlies black fivebrane thermodynamics …

Black hole microstates from the worldsheet

D Bufalini, S Iguri, N Kovensky, D Turton - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021 - Springer
A bstract Recently an exact worldsheet description of strings propagating in certain black
hole microstate geometries was constructed in terms of null-gauged WZW models. In this …

Pohlmeyer reduction of AdS5× S5 superstring sigma model

M Grigoriev, AA Tseytlin - Nuclear Physics B, 2008 - Elsevier
Motivated by a desire to find a useful 2d Lorentz-invariant reformulation of the AdS5× S5
superstring world-sheet theory in terms of physical degrees of freedom we construct the …

Reflection and transmission for conformal defects

T Quella, I Runkel, GMT Watts - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007 -
We consider conformal defects joining two conformal field theories along a line. We define
two new quantities associated to such defects in terms of expectation values of the stress …

String theory of supertubes

EJ Martinec, S Massai - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018 - Springer
A bstract String theory on AdS 3 backgrounds arises as an IR limit of Little String Theory on
NS5-branes. A wide variety of holographic RG flows from the fivebrane theory in the UV to …

Current-current deformations of conformal field theories, and WZW models

S Förste, D Roggenkamp - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2003 -
Moduli spaces of conformal field theories corresponding to current-current deformations are
discussed. For WZW models, CFT and sigma model considerations are compared. It is …

Pohlmeyer reduction revisited

JL Miramontes - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008 -
A systematic group theoretical formulation of the Pohlmeyer reduction is presented. It
provides a map between the equations of motion of sigma models with target-space a …

Lectures on branes in curved backgrounds

V Schomerus - Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2002 -
These lectures provide an introduction to the microscopic description of branes in curved
backgrounds. After a brief reminder of the flat space theory, the basic principles and …


M Grigoriev, A Tseytlin - International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2008 - World Scientific
We review the Pohlmeyer reduction of the superstring sigma model on AdSn× Sn leading to
a gauged WZW model with an integrable potential. In particular, we consider the case of GS …

A 4d non-BPS NS-NS microstate

S Chakraborty, SD Hampton - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 - Springer
A bstract We construct a two-parameter four-dimensional non-BPS NS-NS smooth
microstate solution that asymptotes to flat spacetime with a linear dilaton in type II …