[图书][B] Playing with the guys: Masculinity and relationships in video games

MA Ouellette - 2021 - books.google.com
A lot of work has been done talking about what masculinity is and what it does within video
games, but less has been given to considering how and why this happens, and the …

„We were expected to carry the weight of their shame and guilt, thinking it was our shame.

J Mannschatz - Sexualisierte Gewalt in kirchlichen Kontexten, 2022 - degruyter.com
Das Bundeskriminalamt verzeichnet in der jährlichen Bundeskriminalstatistik 2019, die im
Mai 2020 erschienen ist, insgesamt 13.670 Fälle sexuellen Missbrauchs¹ an Kindern–im …

Engaging Men, An Exploration of the Help-Seeking Experiences of Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

N Nicholls - 2014 - openaccess.city.ac.uk
Counselling Psychologists working in a variety of settings are likely to encounter male
clients who have significant histories of childhood trauma, including childhood sexual abuse …

[PDF][PDF] Conflict-Related Sexual Violence against Males: Recognition by and Responses of Humanitarian Organisations in Africa

C Akurut - … doctoral thesis, Nelson Mandela University, Port …, 2020 - core.ac.uk
Chapter One provided the introduction of this study, including an overview of the problem
and descriptions of the various concepts in it. Chapter Two presents the conceptual …

Mannréttindi, ofstæki og bara bréf: Orðræða um kynferðisbrot og femínisma í kjölfar afturköllunar ráðningar Jóns Baldvins Hannibalssonar

ÍK Bjarnason - 2016 - skemman.is
Í þessari ritgerð er skoðað hvernig orðræða um kynferðisofbeldi, þolendur þess og gerendur
birtist í umfjöllun um afturköllun á ráðningu Jóns Baldvins Hannibalssonar til kennslu við …

[PDF][PDF] Voldtekt, overgrep og seksuelle krenkelser En bibliografi over litteratur i Norge, Sverige og Danmark 1980-2013

U i Oslo - ub.uio.no
Voldtekt, overgrep og seksuelle krenkelser En bibliografi over litteratur i Norge, Sverige og
Danmark 1980-2013 Universitetsbibl Page 1 1 Voldtekt, overgrep og seksuelle krenkelser …

[引用][C] Professional responses to male survivors of childhood sexual abuse: A literature review on current research and professional practice.

S Thielmann - Canterbury Men's Centre, 2010

[引用][C] Improving policy and practice responses for men sexually abused in childhood Improving policy and practice responses for men sexually abused in childhood

G Foster, C Boyd, P O'Leary