Technology capital and the US current account

ER McGrattan, EC Prescott - American Economic Review, 2010 -
Abstract The US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) estimates that the return on
investments of foreign subsidiaries of US multinational companies over the period 1982 …

Measuring the value of intangibles

S Clausen, S Hirth - Journal of Corporate Finance, 2016 - Elsevier
We propose a new earnings-based measure for the value of intangibles. To validate this
measure, we compare it to commonly used proxies for intangible intensity, such as R&D …

Multi-establishment firms, misallocation, and productivity

X Xi - Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper presents an equilibrium model of firm growth that emphasizes multi-
establishment operations. The model captures key features of firm growth and the firm size …

[PDF][PDF] CEO 技术专长与企业技术资本积累——CEO 过度自信的调节效应

许秀梅, 党晓虹 - 科技进步与对策, 2022 -
以2015-2020 年沪深A 股上市公司为样本, 实证检验CEO 技术专长对企业技术资本积累的直接
效应及CEO 过度自信的调节效应. 结果显示: CEO 技术专长显著促进企业技术资本积累; CEO …

Taxation, expenditures and the Irish miracle

P Klein, G Ventura - Journal of Monetary Economics, 2021 - Elsevier
We examine the role of fiscal policy in accounting for the remarkable rise of Ireland from one
of Western Europe's poorest countries to one of its richest in just a few years. We focus on …

Intellectual capital: a linchpin for sustainable growth of Indian small and medium enterprise

P Sharma - International Journal of Entrepreneurship and …, 2024 -
In this study an attempt has been made by the author to explore the level of intellectual
capital present in the enterprises and to check whether intellectual capital can be a linchpin …

[HTML][HTML] Cross country stock market comovement: A macro perspective

A Anagnostopoulos, OE Atesagaoglu, E Faraglia… - Journal of Monetary …, 2022 - Elsevier
Since the 1990s, there has been a simultaneous rise in cross-country stock market
correlations and FDI positions. We establish an empirical relationship between these two, for …

Multinational firms and business cycle transmission

D Menno - 2014 -
This paper studies the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the transmission of
international business cycles. I document for the G7 countries between 1991 and 2006 that …

[PDF][PDF] 技术董事, 技术资源配置与企业成长: 来自上市公司的经验数据

许秀梅, 李敬锁, 温琳 - 科技进步与对策, 2019 -
选取2012-2017 年上市企业为样本, 探索技术董事对企业成长的驱动效应及技术资源配置的
中介作用, 以解读技术董事, 技术资源与企业成长的多重关系. 研究发现: 技术董事对企业成长 …

Do intangible assets explain high US foreign direct investment returns?

B Bridgman - Journal of Macroeconomics, 2014 - Elsevier
US investors abroad receive a higher return on their assets than their counterparts that
invest in the United States. I examine the degree to which excluding intangible assets and …