[图书][B] Constraint solving and planning with Picat

NF Zhou, H Kjellerstrand, J Fruhman - 2015 - Springer
Many complex systems, ranging from social, industrial, economics, financial, educational, to
military, require that we obtain high-quality solutions to combinatorial problems. Linear …

Fixpoint semantics and optimization of recursive datalog programs with aggregates

C Zaniolo, M Yang, A Das, A Shkapsky… - Theory and Practice of …, 2017 - cambridge.org
A very desirable Datalog extension investigated by many researchers in the last 30 years
consists in allowing the use of the basic SQL aggregates min, max, count and sum in …

Routing driverless transport vehicles in car assembly with answer set programming

M Gebser, P Obermeier, T Schaub… - Theory and Practice of …, 2018 - cambridge.org
Automated storage and retrieval systems are principal components of modern production
and warehouse facilities. In particular, automated guided vehicles nowadays substitute …

Planning as theorem proving with heuristics

M Soutchanski, R Young - arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.13638, 2023 - arxiv.org
Planning as theorem proving in situation calculus was abandoned 50 years ago as an
impossible project. But we have developed a Theorem Proving Lifted Heuristic (TPLH) …

[PDF][PDF] Improving performance by reformulating PDDL into a bagged representation

P Riddle, J Douglas, M Barley… - Proceedings of the …, 2016 - icaps16.icaps-conference.org
This paper describes Baggy-a system which automatically transforms a PDDL
representation into a revised PDDL representation, solves the problem using the revised …

Programming in Picat

NF Zhou - Rule Technologies. Research, Tools, and Applications …, 2016 - Springer
Abstract Picat (picat-lang. org) is a logic-based multi-paradigm programming language that
integrates logic programming, functional programming, constraint programming, and …

[PDF][PDF] Planning using lifted task representations

AB Corrêa - 2019 - ai.dmi.unibas.ch
Most automated planners use heuristic search to solve the tasks. Usually, the planners get
as input a lifted representation of the task in PDDL, a compact formalism describing the task …

Modeling and solving planning problems in tabled logic programming: Experience from the Cave Diving domain

R Barták, L Chrpa, A Dovier, J Vodrážka… - Science of Computer …, 2017 - Elsevier
Action planning deals with the problem of finding a sequence of actions transferring the
world from a given state to a desired (goal) state. This problem is important in various areas …

An Application of LSTM Recurrent Networks to Expanding of Search Tree Nodes in Symbolic Planning

J Cho, YS Son, JH Park, CW Park - … Conference on Information …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Applying deep learning to symbolic planning is not straightforward because they differently
internalize knowledge. One represents knowledge numerically while the other does …

Canonicalizing High-Level Constructs in Picat

NF Zhou, J Fruhman - International Symposium on Practical Aspects of …, 2016 - Springer
Picat is a logic-based multi-paradigm dynamic language that integrates logic programming,
functional programming, constraint programming, and scripting. The Picat language is …