The Legal Position of Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) as A Rehabilitation Effort for Narcotics Abuse

AW Laksana - International Journal of Law Reconstruction, 2021 -
Abstract Islamic Boarding School or Pesantren is not only a place to teach religion, but also
teaches other fields such as agribusiness and even rehabilitation for narcotics addicts …

Character Education Based On The Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah Tharīqah In Islamic Vocational High School

MA Khoiruddin, A Masrukin - Psikis: Jurnal Psikologi Islami, 2022 -
The purpose of this study is to reveal how character education is built based on tarekat as a
self-strengthening student not only physically but also mentally with the aim of the character …

[PDF][PDF] Penanaman nilai-nilai spiritual dalam kegiatan tarekat qadiriyah naqsyabandiyah (tqn) di lembaga dakwah tqn suryalaya kabupaten banyumas

K Mia - 2020 -
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh merebaknya berbagai penyimpangan dari nilai-nilai
atau norma-norma yang berlaku di masyarakat. Salah satu penyebab perbuatan …

Tariqa-based education management to improve the character of students (Case study at Pesantren Al Jauhari Garut and Pesantren At-Tadzkir Majalengka)

W Noorjutstiatini, A Sanusi… - … Journal of Social …, 2022 -
This study aims to describe, analyze and produce a hypothetical model of tarekat-based
education management to improve the character of students. The research procedure used …

[PDF][PDF] The narcotics abuse rehabilitation for police members by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN)

A Anzani - Jurnal Daulat Hukum, 2022 -
Along with the rapid development of Indonesian society, society needs regulation as a
reference or guideline to control the development of society in a positive direction. When a …

Tasawuf Pesantren: Jalan Menuju Revolusi Spiritual

LP Farhan, P Hadisaputra - Al-Fikr: Jurnal …, 2020 -
This article is guided by one core question, which is how pesantren revolutionized
spirituality through Sufism. To answer these questions, the authors collected literature from …

Spritual Education Guidance at The Hasan‎ Ma'shum Dhikr Assembly‎ in Palu

U Rahman, SBA Galigo, A Anirah… - TADRIS: Jurnal …, 2023 -
The purpose of this study is to see how far the success of fostering spiritual education in the
Hasan Ma'shum Dhikr Assembly‎ in Palu City. The type of this research is field research …

Kajian sosial kepesantrenan dalam bingkai varian teori praktis: sebuah refleksi

A Ridwan - Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam-Journal of …, 2020 -
ABSTRAK Sebagai lembaga Pendidikan Islam yang berakar pada sejarah dan budaya
nusantara, pesantren telah menjadi objek diskursus akademik dalam bingkai ilmuilmu …

Contextualization of Tarekat In Modern Society: Study of the Spiritual Education of the Naqsyabandiyah Pauh In Padang, West Sumatra

N Burhanuddin, W Oktaviano, U Syihab… - Proceedings of the 1st …, 2019 -
The order of modern society is faced with a mentality-psychological imbalance in the form of
feeling dissatisfied, upset, less happy to feel unhappy with anything that has been obtained …

Integrated Model of Drugs Addictive Client Spirituality Development

A Sentosa, R Raihan, A Lutfi - Ilomata International Journal of Social …, 2023 -
This research is motivated by the rise of drug trafficking from the elite to the grassroots, so
that many people are trapped and fall into drug addicts. They need recovery and support to …