Invited review: Opportunities for genetic improvement toward higher prolificacy in sheep

E Gootwine - Small Ruminant Research, 2020 - Elsevier
Breeding for higher prolificacy may improve lamb production efficiency in semi-intensive and
intensive sheep-production systems. Crossbreeding of native breeds with exotic prolific …

Survey of the relationship between polymorphisms within the BMPR1B gene and sheep reproductive traits

Z Akhatayeva, Y Bi, Y He, R Khan, J Li, H Li… - Animal …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The BMPRIB gene is one of the main genes that can be used as a molecular genetic marker
for the early selection of highly productive ewes. It is well-documented that the p. Q249R (g …

[HTML][HTML] Identification of fecXG and fecB mutations and its association with litter size in Kacang and Boerka goat

MM Maskur, SN Depamede - Adv Anim Vet Sci, 2023 -
The Kacang goat is one of Indonesia's prolific native goat breeds, while the Boerka goat is a
crossbreed between Kacang and Boer goats. It is widely known that the ovulation rate and …

К вопросу генетического улучшения плодовитости овец

МИ Селионова, АММ Айбазов - Известия Тимирязевской …, 2023 -
Аннотация Большинство пород овец являются малоплодными, что наряду с другими
причинами приводит к низкой рентабельности отрасли. В интенсивных системах …

Polymorphism and phylogenetic analysis of FecB and FecG genes in native sheep of Meghalaya, India

D Khanikar, A Phookan, D Kalita, GU Zaman… - Tropical Animal Health …, 2022 - Springer
The present study was conducted to identify the polymorphism of two major fecundity genes,
viz. FecB and FecG, in indigenous sheep of Meghalaya and to assess phylogenetic …

[PDF][PDF] Methods of Improving Reproductive Parameters in Sheep and The Major Genes Associated with Prolificacy: A Review.

AM Deac, AS Muscă, MG Aipătioaie… - Bulletin of the …, 2022 -
Farm profitability is heavily influenced by reproductive capacity. Fertility, prolificacy, and
fecundity are all indicators of reproductive efficiency. In sheep with high economic value …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of Booroola fecundity (FeCB) gene on litter size and scope for exploitation of Nilagiri synthetic sheep

AB Chaudhari, R Ramanujam, V Ragothaman - 2023 -
Background The Nilagiri Synthetic was evolved at the Sheep Breeding Research Station,
Sandynallah, The Nilgiris, by crossing Nilagiri with Merino and Rambouillet sheep in the …

Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science Journal/Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science/Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023)/Articles Open Access

ES Bekoe, BB Kayang, C Adenyo -
Polymorphisms of candidate genes BMP15 and GDF9, GH and CAST that influence
fecundity, growth, and carcass traits, respectively, were studied in two Ghanaian sheep …


ES Bekoe, BB Kayang, C Adenyo -
Polymorphisms of candidate genes BMP15 and GDF9, GH and CAST that influence
fecundity, growth, and carcass traits, respectively, were studied in two Ghanaian sheep …