ICTP lectures on (non-) invertible generalized symmetries
S Schäfer-Nameki - Physics Reports, 2024 - Elsevier
What comprises a global symmetry of a Quantum Field Theory (QFT) has been vastly
expanded in the past 10 years to include not only symmetries acting on higher-dimensional …
expanded in the past 10 years to include not only symmetries acting on higher-dimensional …
Generalized symmetries in condensed matter
J McGreevy - Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, 2023 - annualreviews.org
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Noninvertible global symmetries in the standard model
We identify infinitely many noninvertible generalized global symmetries in QED and QCD for
the real world in the massless limit. In QED, while there is no conserved Noether current for …
the real world in the massless limit. In QED, while there is no conserved Noether current for …
Noninvertible chiral symmetry and exponential hierarchies
We elucidate the fate of classical symmetries which suffer from Abelian Adler-Bell-Jackiw
anomalies. Instead of being completely destroyed, these symmetries survive as …
anomalies. Instead of being completely destroyed, these symmetries survive as …
Higher gauging and non-invertible condensation defects
We discuss invertible and non-invertible topological condensation defects arising from
gauging a discrete higher-form symmetry on a higher codimensional manifold in spacetime …
gauging a discrete higher-form symmetry on a higher codimensional manifold in spacetime …
Noninvertible duality defects in dimensions
For any quantum system invariant under gauging a higher-form global symmetry, we
construct a noninvertible topological defect by gauging in only half of the spacetime. This …
construct a noninvertible topological defect by gauging in only half of the spacetime. This …
Symmetry TFTs and anomalies of non-invertible symmetries
A bstract It is known that the't Hooft anomalies of invertible global symmetries can be
characterized by an invertible TQFT in one higher dimension. The analogous statement …
characterized by an invertible TQFT in one higher dimension. The analogous statement …
Symmetry TFTs for non-invertible defects
Given any symmetry acting on ad-dimensional quantum field theory, there is an associated
(d+ 1)-dimensional topological field theory known as the Symmetry TFT (SymTFT). The …
(d+ 1)-dimensional topological field theory known as the Symmetry TFT (SymTFT). The …
Kramers-Wannier-like Duality Defects in Gauge Theories
We introduce a class of noninvertible topological defects in (3+ 1) D gauge theories whose
fusion rules are the higher-dimensional analogs of those of the Kramers-Wannier defect in …
fusion rules are the higher-dimensional analogs of those of the Kramers-Wannier defect in …
Snowmass white paper: Generalized symmetries in quantum field theory and beyond
Symmetry plays a central role in quantum field theory. Recent developments include
symmetries that act on defects and other subsystems, and symmetries that are categorical …
symmetries that act on defects and other subsystems, and symmetries that are categorical …